MSNBC Ignores Soros Tie to Extremist Group Smearing Moms as Bigots
June 7th, 2023 5:42 PM
A group funded by radical billionaire George Soros is smearing a group of concerned mothers as being somehow filled with hate and MSNBC was just tickled pink over it.

ABC, CBS, NBC Ignore FRC Shooter Corkins's August 22 Indictment
August 23rd, 2012 11:16 AM
"A grand jury indicted Floyd Lee Corkins II, 28, of Herndon, Va., on a federal charge of interstate transportation of a firearm and ammunition, and two District of Columbia offenses: assault with intent to kill while armed and possession of a handgun during a crime of violence," reported CBS News and the Associated Press yesterday shortly after 5 p.m. Eastern. carried the story in…

CNN (Again) Gives Credibility to 'Hate Group' Label for FRC
August 20th, 2012 11:32 AM
CNN already understands why the Family Research Council (FRC) was labeled a "hate group" by the liberal Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). On Saturday, CNN gave more credibility to the SPLC as anchor Randi Kaye cited the group as a credible source on "hate groups" in the U.S. right after quoting their explanation for the FRC's "hate group" label.
"Statistics show hate groups are on the rise…

Bozell Column: Skipping Over the Shooting at FRC
August 17th, 2012 7:10 AM
Floyd Corkins, a volunteer for the last six months at the D.C. Center for the LGBT Community, marched into the Family Research Center with a gun and serious ammunition, denounced FRC’s policy positions, and shot a security guard in the arm before being subdued. Another hate crime, but this time against perhaps the pre-eminent pro-family organization in America. CBS gave the story 20 seconds.…

CNN's Baldwin Misses FRC Shooter's Political Motive -- Despite CNN Rep
August 16th, 2012 6:22 PM
CNN's Brooke Baldwin couldn't find a motive behind the Family Research Council shooting, on Thursday afternoon – despite CNN having earlier reported that "politics" was involved in the shooting at the conservative organization.
"You know, who knows what really was the motive behind this particular individual Floyd Lee Corkins?" Baldwin wondered at 3:10 p.m. EDT, even though anchor Suzanne…

NBC and CBS Aiding and Abetting Anti-Conservative Hatred As Networks I
August 16th, 2012 12:45 PM
The liberal media have repeatedly and deliberately turned a blind eye to the violent, hateful culture of liberalism, particularly their vicious attacks against those who advocate traditional Christian values and conservative principles. We saw it during their deceptive, romanticized coverage of Occupy Wall Street. We saw it again during their sneering, anti-Christian coverage of the Chick-fil-A…

Only ABC Offers Full Story on Shooting at FRC; CBS, NBC Blow It Off Wi
August 15th, 2012 11:12 PM
ABC was the only broadcast network that offered a full story on the FRC office shooting on Wednesday night. They led with the story and gave it two and a half minutes. None of the network newscasts reported the breaking detail that shooter Floyd Corkins volunteered for six months at the D.C. Center for the LGBT Community, adding depth to his political motivation.
On NBC Nightly News, Brian…

MSNBC Devotes Just 17 Seconds of Coverage to FRC Shooting; Downplays P
August 15th, 2012 5:23 PM
Shortly before 11 a.m. this morning, 28-year-old Floyd Corkins opened fire on a security guard at the conservative Family Research Center, located in downtown Washington, D.C. Local news stations, including NBC's Washington station, devoted resources to cover the developing story, as did CNN and Fox News, which regularly updated viewers with progress in the investigation.
But MSNBC devoted a…

HuffPo Attacks Family Research Council As 'Hate Group' Less Than Three
August 15th, 2012 3:38 PM
Even after the shooting of a security guard at the Family Research Council, the Huffington Post can’t stop slamming the pro-family organization as a “hate group.” The Huffington Post waited less than three hours before publishing an article which complained about “the Family Research Council, which the Southern Poverty Law Center deems a hate group.”
Contributor Waymon Hudson, in an August 15…

Shooting at Family Research Council: First AP Report Brings Up Chick-f
August 15th, 2012 1:42 PM
(UPDATED: The Washington Post reports "A law enforcement official said at one point in the scuffle, the shooter expressed views that differed from those of the Family Research Council. The official also said the shooter was carrying a bag that had a Chick-Fil-A bag inside." NBC Washington identified the suspect as Floyd Corkins, 28.)
There was a shooting Wednesday morning at the Family…