Eamon Javers

WH’s Sanders Condemns Roseanne, Wonders Why ABC Didn't Go Further
May 30th, 2018 4:41 PM
Showing how delusional CNN and MSNBC are with wall-to-wall coverage of Roseanne Barr’s deranged, racist tweet about former Obama official Valerie Jarrett, it took until at least the ninth question in Wednesday’s White House Press Briefing for the now-fired ABC star to come up.

Obsessed Reporters Hound McCain to Say Trump Won Illegitimately
January 5th, 2017 4:34 PM
Thursday afternoon on CNN, reporters from several networks surrounded Republican Senator John McCain and attempted to get him to call Donald Trump’s election illegitimate. McCain spoke to the reporters in the hallway immediately following a Senate hearing where Intelligence officials testified about the Russian hacking of the DNC this past Summer. Ever since Clinton lost the election, the media…

UPDATED | Obama Energy Dept. Literally Re-writing History; Will Media
October 19th, 2011 6:35 PM
Update (10:00 EDT, Oct. 20): CNBC has an update/correction on the story:
<<Update: On Wednesday evening, a Department of Energy spokesman said that the press releases had been returned to their original content as a result of CNBC's inquiry about the changes.
Correction: A previous headline on this article incorrectly characterized the press releases as being related to Solyndra…

CNBC Shows More 'Foreign-Connected' Money Goes to Dems by a 'Healthy M
October 11th, 2010 3:23 PM
It seems like a phony issue for the a struggling Obama administration to be promoting – the allegations that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce may or may not be using foreign contributions to fuel political ads against Democrats. However, President Barack Obama would be best advised to make sure his party wasn’t doing something similar before using the bully pulpit to push this meme.
On CNBC’s…