Dave Zirin

PBS’s Pathetic O.J. Take: Outrage Over Racism, Not Denial of Justice
PBS NewsHour had an odd take on the death of O.J. Simpson, whose televised trial captivated America 30 years ago, bringing in Dave Zirin, sports editor for the aging hard-left magazine The Nation. Together, he and NewsHour reporter William Brangham used the famous trial not as an example of justice denied, but to portray America as a historic haven of anti-black…

The Nation’s Sports Editor Zirin's Three Months of Anti-Israel Calumny
Dave Zirin is ostensibly sports editor at the hard-left magazine The Nation, but since the October 6 terror attack on Israel by Hamas he’s been preoccupied with the evils of Israel, while denying the plain intent of genocidal anti-Jewish slogans from pro-Palestine supporters. Zirin, who is Jewish, has spent several columns weeping over Gaza and almost ignoring the suffering of…

Sports Media Gets Woke: Attacks on Tony Dungy and Ivan Provorov
Once upon a time there was free speech in America.

Edge of Sports Boasts Fencer Who Dissed U.S. in Peru

MSNBC: Trump Wants Whites to ‘Hate’ Players, Only Backed by ‘Morons’

The Nation Progressive Sees Kaepernick as Baltimore's 'Godsend'

MSNBC Covers NBA Finals by Stating 'Politics Will Hit the Court'

Michael Sam: If I Had Never Come Out, I’d Still be in the NFL

Nation Writer: Trump, Redskins Owner Exploit ‘White Anxiety’

Nation Writer: ‘Wisconsin Badgers Deserve Better Than Scott Walker'

Lefty Sports Reporter Calls NFL ‘Brain Damage For Profit’
Tebow Joins ‘Bluest of Blue State’ Patriots

Sports Media Launches Olympic-Sized Blitz from Left