Chris Frates

Nets Maintain Blackout on New Planned Parenthood Video; CNN Covers
July 29th, 2015 5:41 PM
As of Wednesday morning, ABC, CBS, and NBC's morning and evening newscasts have yet to cover the third video from the Center for Medical Progress, which featured a whistle-blower's account of "picking" through the remains of aborted babies in order to find organs that could be sold for medical research. The Big Three networks have actually devoted more time to the slaying of a lion in Zimbabwe…

WashPost Reporter Implies Obama Was 'Asleep at the Switch' on Border C
July 26th, 2014 7:57 PM
NPR talk show host Diane Rehm was probably panicking a bit on Friday as the liberal reporters roundtable seemed to agree that President Obama was “asleep at the switch” on the border-children crisis.
Washington Post reporter Karen Tumulty underlined last Sunday’s Washington Post story (skipped by the networks) that Team Obama had plenty of warning that the crisis was coming:
CNN Anchor Hits Insurers for 'Preying on the Most Vulnerable People
December 19th, 2013 3:10 PM
CNN's Carol Costello accused insurance companies of "preying on the most vulnerable people" in dropping doctors from health plans, even after CNN interviewed a doctor and an insurance representative saying that ObamaCare regulations made it harder for companies to keep doctors on insurance plans.
After the report by correspondent Chris Frates on an elderly woman who had to choose between…

Breaking News at CNN: Senate Democrats Voted to Kill Other Health Plan
November 1st, 2013 5:58 PM
It's always interesting when people in the “mainstream” press catch up to something conservatives and Republicans have known for a long time.
That was the case when Chris Frates, an investigative correspondent at the Cable News Network, reported on Friday that "Senate Democrats voted unanimously three years ago to support the ObamaCare rule that is largely responsible for some of the health…