Black Panthers

WashPost Promotes Black Panthers in Summer Books for Teens
Whenever liberals talk about topics that will "spark conversations with teens," expect the indoctrination to begin. Sunday's Washington Post has a section on "Summer Books 2022" including "Young Adult" book options parents can buy for their kids (and discuss). The most eyebrow-raising recommendation was Revolution in Our Time: The Black Panther Party's Promise to the People.…

CW Sci-Fi Series Glorifies Violent Black Panther Tactics
Since the rise of Black Lives Matter, Hollywood has been trying to rehabilitate the historical reputation of the Black Panthers, a Marxist-Leninist movement that advocated violent revolution. The CW's woke reboot 4400 is the latest television show to celebrate the history of this domestic terrorist organization.

New Fox Drama: Opposing Politics in Sports Is to ‘Uphold Whiteness’
This week, Fox's new show Our Kind of People attacked "white ownership" and "whiteness" while calling the violent, communist Black Panther Party "community activism."

Endorsing Hate: CNN Hails Black Panthers and BLM as 'Mainstream'
On Friday’s New Day, CNN co-host Alisyn Camerota and fill-in Jim Sciutto brought on the host of United Shades of America, W. Kamau Bell to spout woke talking points. Bell went on a tear against white people, insisting that “white supremacy is a system that promotes whiteness.” He also claimed that the Black Panthers and Black Lives Matter are “mainstream” groups and praised…