Big Bird

WashPost: PBS Budget Was Cut Because ‘Sesame Street’ Mocked Trump
March 21st, 2017 12:44 AM
Following the release of President Donald Trump’s new federal budget last week, the liberal media was up in arms that Trump would dare to defund the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. On Sunday, a CNN anchor asked the MRC’s Dan Gainor if it was “conservative revenge.” But The Washington Post on Monday had an even more ridiculous explanation. “Trump wants to defund PBS. ‘Sesame Street’ brutally…

NYT Reports From Two Weeks Ago on Stephanie Cutter, the Brilliant Mind
October 16th, 2012 12:00 PM
The New York Times Sunday Styles profile by Amy Chozick of Obama campaign manager Stephanie Cutter, "A Messenger Who Does the Shooting," reads as a bit behind on current events (many Sunday profile-type pieces are written several days in advance).
It comes off like a snapshot from before Cutter shamelessly politicized the Libya attack last Thursday by suggesting the only reason anyone cared…

After Hyping Big Bird Ad, NBC's Lauer Wonders if Obama Campaign Just W
October 10th, 2012 12:19 PM
After promoting the Obama campaign's Bird Bird ad on Tuesday's NBC Today, not to mention it being played repeatedly on MSNBC, in an interview with campaign advisor Robert Gibbs on Wednesday's Today, co-host Matt Lauer wondered: " that the kind of political ad that a campaign releases when it feels that it has ideas and solutions on its side, or is that the kind of political ad a campaign…

NBC's Todd Dismisses Big Bird Ad as Bait for Media Attention...MSNBC R
October 9th, 2012 3:12 PM
Appearing on Tuesday's MSNBC Morning Joe, NBC political director and chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd discounted a new satirical ad from the Obama campaign mocking Mitt Romney for mentioning Big Bird in the debate: "...this is clearly a, as I was told, 'national cable,' which seems like code for, 'We put it out there hoping a lot of people will play it over and over because we think…

NBC: Romney Debate Performance 'Completely Overshadowed' When He 'Atta
October 8th, 2012 1:30 PM
During the Week in Buzz segment on Sunday's NBC Today, Ericka Souter, editor of the celebrity gossip blog The Stir, trashed Mitt Romney for announcing plans to cut federal funding of PBS, including Sesame Street, ranting: "Everything else Romney said was completely overshadowed by the fact that Big Bird felt attacked or people felt Big Bird was attacked, and he's like an icon to millions of…
NYT's Mackey Puzzled by Romney's Attack on Sesame Street, Which Is 'We
October 8th, 2012 10:13 AM
Bad news, Mitt: You've lost the Big Bird fans in France and Brazil, according to a Friday afternoon post by Robert Mackey, who summarizes big news stories for the New York Times's Lede blog. Mackey, who has written for Al Franken's radio show and been a producer for the left-wing Pacifica public radio network, usually plays it fairly straight in his NYT posts.
But he was unusually passionate…