Benedict Carey

Liberal NYT Loves Abortion Law Mockery, Plugs Transgender Persuasion
April 8th, 2016 6:47 PM
Last week the New York Times, proving its social liberal bona fides, crowned North Carolina as the home of bathroom bigotry against transgenders. On Friday, it was Indiana’s new abortion restrictions that were up for vulgar mockery. Yet the same day, the Times also showed how to sell people on transgenderism, door to door. Reporter Mitch Smith celebrated feminist activism in the form of a rain of…

NY Times Says It's 'Ugly' to Celebrate bin Laden's Death
May 6th, 2011 12:38 PM
Michael Moore and others on the far left have taken to moral preening over the killing of Osama bin Laden, finding it unseemly to celebrate the death of a man that killed 3,000 American citizens. (Of course, people would have cheered if Osama had been merely captured and not killed.) Friday's New York Times story by Benedict Carey validated that left-wing trend under the headline "Celebrating a…
NYT Ponders: Weather Underground, Tea Party Movement Just 'Varying Deg
March 29th, 2010 5:03 PM
The Weather Underground and the Tea Party movement: Same thing?In the wake of Obama-care's passage, New York Times reporter Benedict Carey took the country's political temperature, and found it running a right-wing fever, in a front-page Sunday Week in Review essay. It's ominous title was cribbed from the famous scene in the movie "Network," "RAGE's DNA: Mad As Hell. And..." The online headline…