DCCC Categorizes Pro-Free Market Cato Institute as a 'Right Wing Extre

January 20th, 2010 6:12 PM
Last night, after Scott Brown took one of the Massachusetts U.S. Senate seats, there was a call by some in the media and even among some prominent Democrats to modulate by shifting away from the so-called "far left." One might think a start would be to tone down some of the rhetoric, take a step back and consider retooling the strategy, instead of lobbing more bombs. But the Democratic…

Anita Dunn: How We Created Obama's Cult of Personality

October 20th, 2009 10:45 AM
For months NewsBusters has been reporting how the media aided and abetted the creation of Barack Obama's Cult of Personality leading to his eventual election as the 44th President of the United States. Eight days before his inauguration, Obama's Fox News-hating communications director Anita Dunn and his digital strategist Ben Self, while at a conference in the Dominican Republic hosted by the…

CNN Introduces Christie Hefner as One of Its 'Economic Analysts

February 2nd, 2009 5:54 PM
On Monday’s American Morning, CNN anchor John Roberts interviewed former Playboy CEO Christie Hefner, and introduced her as being “added to our roster of economic analysts.” Roberts also failed to mention Hefner’s long-time support for President Obama during the segment.The interview, which started just before the bottom-half of the 8 pm Eastern hour of the CNN program, began with Roberts giving…

2006 NY Daily News Podcast Interview With Rahm Emanuel On Compulsory S

November 11th, 2008 6:44 PM
 **Updated with more transcription 11/12/08 As a follow up to my previous post on the media blowing off President-elect Barack Obama's conscription plan(which seems to be disappearing from the Obama transition team's site among many other agenda items, as Newsbuster Tom Blumer has discovered), Naked Emperor News has found some interesting audio of Rahm Emanuel, Obama's Chief of Staff appointee…

Politico.com Mistaken on McCain Advisor 'Ouster

May 16th, 2008 12:27 PM

Dispute Over Clinton Backer Kantor Allegedly Dismissing Indianans As

May 2nd, 2008 1:24 PM
Update (14:11): Video is no longer up on YouTube, so we pulled the embed. For more coverage, see Ed Morrissey's post at Hot Air.Just in time to prove a major migraine for the Clinton campaign for the May 6 Hoosier State primary, a YouTube video alleges Clinton backer Mickey Kantor once derided Indianans as "sh*t" and "white n****rs." Fellow NewsBuster Seton Motley and I reviewed the video. There'…

Was the Report on Rudy's Mistress Security Squad a 'Dirty Trick

December 3rd, 2007 9:11 AM
In Monday’s Washington Post, media reporter Howard Kurtz is noting how Rudy Giuliani uses the "liberal media" as a foil in his campaign, and also offers the latest in a trend of adding prominence to his old WashPost colleagues at The Politico website for their scoop on Giuliani’s use of public money (for his security detail) for his messy private life (visits to his mistress in the Hamptons).…