Ben Sisario
Panicky NYT Sees 'Deep Fear' Among Lefty NEA Fans Under Trump Budget
March 18th, 2017 7:37 PM
President Trump’s first proposed budget resulted in a patchwork of short, dire stories dominated two pages of the print edition Friday. The headlines provide the tone for the ideologically loaded stories: “Researchers Bristle at Extent of Cuts” at the National Institute of Health and Department of Energy. Meanwhile, the Department of Housing and Urban Development was “‘Hurt and Upset’ Over…
Lefty Media Tweeters Go After Reporters at Obama Presser For Not Obses
December 20th, 2012 1:02 AM
At his news conference on Wednesday, President Obama opened with a statement of over 1,100 words, all of it on gun violence, including his announcement that "I’ve asked the Vice President to lead an effort that includes members of my Cabinet and outside organizations to come up with a set of concrete proposals no later than January -- proposals that I then intend to push without delay."