Ashton Kutcher

That Groomer Show? Netflix’s ‘That ‘90s Show’ Sexualizes Children
If you had the displeasure of watching the first season (“Part 1”) of Netflix’s comedy That ‘90s Show, you already know the show loves to sexualize children, much like its predecessor That ‘70s Show which aired on Fox from ’98 to ‘06. The writers were apparently determined to keep that theme alive in the newest season (“Part 2”), as creepy pedophilic and masturbation “jokes”…

Kutcher: Netflix Show Reflects ‘Conservative Values’ in Middle America

Character on Ashton Kutcher Show Rejects Abortion: ‘I Can’t Do This’

Actor Promises ‘Conservative Point of View’ on Netflix Show
Ashton Kutcher, Kate Upton Defend Uber Against NYC Mayor's Power Grab
Cal Thomas Column: Ashton Kutcher's Message

Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore Find Media 'Sifting Through' Palin's Ema

Hollywood's Current 'Romantic Comedies' Heavy on Hook Ups, Light on Ro