
CNN's Camerota Frets: 'Right-Wing' Making Chicago Beating 'Political'

January 5th, 2017 12:11 PM
As Thursday's CNN New Day covered the horrendous story of a white special needs man being tortured by four black teens in Chicago while they made anti-white and anti-Donald Trump taunts and live streamed the assault on Facebook, CNN co-host Alisyn Camerota fretted that "right-wing websites" like Breitbart, The Blaze, and Townhall are going too far in making the story "political."

Cooper, Powers: Trump Should Be 'Boning Up' on Policy, Not Watching TV

November 30th, 2016 12:56 PM
CNN's Anderson Cooper was aghast on the Tuesday edition of his program over Donald Trump still regularly posting to Twitter even after being elected president: "When I first heard that he was Tweeting about something that was on this broadcast — a number of Tweets; again, factually-incorrect Tweets...I kept thinking, doesn't he have, like, a briefing book on ISIS to be reading last night?"…

CNN Panel Shuts Down GOP Guest When He Mentions PP Video Scandal

November 29th, 2016 4:06 PM
On Tuesday afternoon, CNN Newsroom expressed discomfort and promptly went into spin mode for Planned Parenthood as host Brooke Baldwin and two panelists shouted down Trump supporter Steve Cortes for alluding to the Planned Parenthood baby parts scandal and expressing support for the Republican push to defund the abortion provider under President-elect Donald Trump’s administration.

CNN Chyron Slams Sessions as Being ‘Dogged’ with ‘Racism' Claims

November 18th, 2016 5:12 PM
Hours after Carol Costello kicked off the media hysteria on Friday over President-elect Donald Trump’s selection of “controversial” Republican Senator Jeff Sessions (Ala.) to become Attorney General, CNN Newsroom afternoon anchor Brooke Baldwin hyped that Sessions will be bombarded with racism allegations from his past to the point that the chyron ruled he’s been “dogged” by such claims.

CNN's Rye Blows Up Over Clinton Rape History, 'F-ing Ridiculous'

October 11th, 2016 11:07 AM
On Monday's Erin Burnett Outfront on CNN, during a discussion of reaction to the tape of Donald Trump speaking lewdly about women with Billy Bush, liberal CNN political commentator Angela Rye at one point went berzerk and started shouting when conservative CNN political commentator and Trump supporter Kayleigh McEnany confronted her with reports of Hillary Clinton's attacks on women who made…

Rye Denies Black Poverty: 'I'm Not Impoverished,' Friends 'Doing Well'

August 30th, 2016 9:15 AM
CNN on Monday displayed the latest example of the double standard that, while liberals are known for recounting social problems that disproportionately hit America's black population like poverty or shootings when they can promote liberal policy prescriptions like government spending or gun control, when conservatives raise these same issues with the promise of a conservative-based prescription,…

CNN's Rye Reminded of Slavery by Trump's 'Make America Great Again'

August 23rd, 2016 7:43 PM
Appearing as a guest on Tuesday's CNN Newsroom with Carol Costello, liberal CNN political commentator Angela Rye hyperbolically asserted that Donald Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan reminds her of slavery and the days when black Americans were assaulted with dogs and water hoses. Even though the Republican presidential candidate has stated that the 1980s is an era that he believes…

MSNBC Praises Hillary After Terrorist's Dad Is Seen Near Her At Rally

August 9th, 2016 1:21 PM
MSNBC went into spin mode for Hillary Clinton on Tuesday, after the father of Orlando terrorist Omar Mateen was seated behind the Democrat at a rally in Florida. Stephanie Ruhle replied to the development by stating, "I don't know what I think, but it's definitely noteworthy." Thomas Robert remarked that it was "very interesting," and hyped that it was "certainly a reflection of the Clinton camp…

Atlantic Writer Claims Hillary’s High Negatives Are Signs of Sexism

July 27th, 2016 4:23 AM
Things got wild on CNN Tonight in the wee hours of Wednesday morning following Hillary Clinton officially becoming the Democratic Party’s nominee for president. During a discussion about how Clinton should have handled the Benghazi situation and her high negatives, Donald Trump supporter Kayleigh McEnany point out her series of scandals, “I think there's a reason that 68 percent of voters don't…

CNN: Is Racism After Electing Obama Like a Shake After Exercising?

July 10th, 2016 5:56 PM
On Sunday, as CNN host Fareed Zakaria devoted the entire first half hour of his Fareed Zakaria GPS show to a discussion of racial tensions in the U.S. with regard to police interactions with the black population, at one point he went over the top by wondering if the existence of racism in the U.S. after the election of a black President was similar to, "after you go to the gym, you feel like you'…

CNN Commentator: ‘Rogue Cops’ ‘Shoot Black People for Sport!'

July 8th, 2016 10:38 PM
In a moment that rivals noteworthy CNN panels that devolved into verbal chaos (examples here and here), Friday’s AC360 saw another inductee as CNN political commentator and former Congressional Black Caucus staffer Angela Rye irresponsibly, hypocritically, and recklessly declared that she’s never said a thing that’s anti-police but seconds later screamed that “rogue cops” go out so they can “…

CNN's Rye Blames 'Clinton World' for Leaking Obama African Garb Photo

April 20th, 2016 5:43 PM
Appearing as a guest on Wednesday's CNN Newsroom with Brooke Baldwin, liberal CNN political commentator Angela Rye accused "Clinton world" of trying to smear then-candidate Barack Obama in 2008 by leaking a photograph of him in "African garb" as she predicted that the two current Democratic factions will be able to unite after the nominating process as they did for the 2008 election.

MSNBC Panel Claims GOP Haven’t Done Enough to Denounce Trump

March 13th, 2016 1:50 PM
While his MSNBC show PoliticsNation now resides on Sunday mornings at 8:00 a.m. Eastern, Al Sharpton has still been doing his best to accuse conservatives of racism at every turn and this Sunday’s edition was no different as he and his assembled panelists claimed that the right has done little to nothing to distance itself from Donald Trump. 

CNN Highlights Bipartisan Attacks on Durbin's 'Back of the Bus' Smear

March 19th, 2015 4:34 PM
On Thursday's CNN Newsroom, Brooke Baldwin actually pointed out that both Democrats and Republicans are "pretty angry" with Senator Dick Durbin for his incendiary "back of the bus" attack on Senate Republicans, after they delayed the confirmation vote of Attorney General Nominee Loretta Lynch. Republican guest Margaret Hoover attacked Durbin for his "incredibly divisive" remarks, and underlined…