
KJP Show Wrap Up: The Week in Briefings with Hidin’ Biden in Delaware

June 19th, 2024 5:48 PM

With it being summer and the first presidential debate only eight days away, President Biden has been and will soon go into hibernation with trips to Rehoboth Beach, Delaware and Camp David in Maryland, leaving only Monday and Tuesday for White House press briefings. However, the press corps made it count with hardballs and softballs on what the ever-inept Karine Jean-Pierre called “cheap…


MRC’s Houck Sounds Off to FNC on WH’s ‘Cheap Fakes’ Line, Debate Rules

June 19th, 2024 11:34 AM

Late Tuesday on the Fox News Channel’s Fox News @ Night, NewsBusters managing editor Curtis Houck joined fill-in host Kevin Corke and fellow panelist Amber Duke of The Spectator to lay waste to the full-court press by the Biden administration to label raw, unedited videos illustrating President Biden’s cognitive decline as deep fakes, “cheap fakes”, and part of a far-right…


CNBC, Ex-Senator Imply Video of Biden Wandering at G-7 Is a 'Deepfake'

June 18th, 2024 2:42 PM

On the CNBC afternoon show The Exchange on Monday, anchor Kelly Evans and current CNBC contributor (and ex-Democrat Senator) Heidi Heitkamp implied that embarrassing video of Joe Biden turning around and wandering a few steps during a skydiving exhibition was a "deepfake," and not just a question of getting a different impression depending on camera angles. 


REVISIONIST HISTORY: CBS Sunday Morning Sugarcoats Dan Rather’s Legacy

April 28th, 2024 9:31 PM

On CBS This Morning, correspondent Lee Cowan ran a lifetime achievement profile of disgraced anchor Dan Rather that seemed weirdly valedictory. But the profile omitted the most significant detail of Rather’s legacy at CBS.


Fox Host Notes 'MSM' Skips NPR Hubbub, Would Leap On Fox Insider Leak

April 15th, 2024 12:31 PM

On Sunday's MediaBuzz show on the Fox News Channel, host Howard Kurtz brought on ex-NPR reporter Juan Williams to recall his own in-house experience with the radical left inside NPR. Kurtz also noted most of the "mainstream" media have skipped any mention of the hubbub over NPR senior editor Uri Berliner's expose. 


PBS Blows ‘Bloodbath’:‘Latest Example of Trump Using Violent Rhetoric'

March 22nd, 2024 6:26 PM

By now everyone has heard that Donald Trump threatened U.S. democracy or something by predicting a “bloodbath” if he didn’t win election in November. (Trump didn’t actually do that, as we know: His “bloodbath” comment, delivered at a campaign rally in Ohio, referred to tariffs on Chinese electric cars potentially being made in Mexico, as a brief perusal of what Trump actually said at the rally…


Fake News Jim, Legion of Dumb Cry Uncle Over Trump’s ‘Bloodbath’ Line

March 21st, 2024 8:53 AM

In an unfortunate move for the country, CNN’s morning programming reshuffle has meant subjecting their tens of viewers to an hour of Fake News Jim Acosta (as opposed to stashing him for a few hours on weekends). In turn, we’re stuck with segments like one on Wednesday in which he convened rule of experts fan Tom Nichols and cockamamie professor Ruth Ben-Ghiat for what one could only describe…


The Networks Still Pushing The Bloodbath Hoax, Now Wrapped Around J6

March 19th, 2024 12:53 AM

With The Bloodbath Hoax having been so swiftly and thoroughly debunked, the evening network newscasts had to scramble to find ways to keep this narrative alive. It appears that they’ve settled on wrapping this latest hoax around the Capitol Riot of January 6th, thus magically eliminating the need for context.

Not Exactly True: KJP Claims to CBS Team Biden Doesn’t Alter Photos

March 14th, 2024 1:23 PM

Amid the questions during Tuesday’s White House press briefing about the border crisis, TikTok, and the war in Gaza, CBS’s Ed O’Keefe had a brief exchange with the ever-inept Karine Jean-Pierre about a topic that might have seemed silly on the surface, but was worth asking, which was whether the White House has digitally altered photos like the British royals were caught doing with Princess…

Natasha Bertrand, Purveyor of Biggest 2020 Fake News, Promoted by CNN

February 14th, 2024 10:05 PM

CNN has promoted Natasha Bertrand, a journalist previously criticised for promoting fake news stories, including the debunked claim that the Hunter Biden laptop story was a result of Russian disinformation. Bertrand also notoriously backed the false Trump-Russia collusion narrative. This decision drew criticism from various commentators, including Mollie Hemingway of The Federalist, who…


MSNBC MELTS DOWN Over a Charter School Linking Up With Hillsdale

January 23rd, 2024 4:54 PM

Last week on MSNBC, The 11th Hour with the not-so-bright host Stephanie Ruhle tag-teamed with leftist Twitter snob, raging hypocrite, and Hack Madness mainstay Judd Legum to throw a hysterical hissy fit over conservatives launching a charter school in South Carolina and Hillsdale College writing grade-school curriculums teaching students to — wait for it — love America.


Disney’s ABC Celebrates ‘Spectacular Failure’ DeSantis Losing to Trump

January 22nd, 2024 4:27 PM

Unsurprisingly, Disney-owned ABC News was ebullient on Monday’s Good Morning America with the news from Sunday afternoon that Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) – who took on and embarrassed the Sunshine State behemoth — had dropped out of the 2024 presidential race, calling it an “implosion” and “spectacular failure” that hadn’t been seen in American history.

FLASHBACK: Media’s 10 Tackiest Attacks on George H. W. Bush

December 2nd, 2023 8:47 AM

Five years ago this week, former President George H. W. Bush passed away at the age of 94. The media’s 2018 retrospectives of Bush and his presidency are an example of how liberal journalists can be like prehistoric bugs stuck in amber, frozen in biased poses struck decades earlier, regardless of how thoroughly they’ve been debunked.


Ted Cruz Hails NewsBusters for Exposing Nets Using Hamas Crisis Actor

November 14th, 2023 1:31 PM

On Monday’s edition of Senator Ted Cruz’s (R-TX) podcast The Verdict, Cruz and co-host Ben Ferguson had a lengthy segment praising the work of NewsBusters and associate editor Nick Fondacaro for exposing the “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, NBC for using dubious footage from a known pro-Hamas crisis actor named Saleh Aljafarawi.