
ABC: Trump Not 'Speaking for West,' 'No Concern' for Election Meddling

July 16th, 2018 10:48 AM
Monday morning, ABC’s Good Morning America bashed President Trump for daring to keep his meeting with Russia’s Vladimir Putin after 12 Russian intelligence officers were indicted by Special Counsel Robert Mueller on Friday, for interfering in the 2016 presidential election. Touting the Democrats’ argument, ABC anchors and reporters slammed Trump for continuing to go ahead with the “dangerous” pre…

NBC: ‘Putin Has the Upper Hand’ with ‘Propaganda Victory’ Over Trump

July 16th, 2018 10:37 AM
In NBC’s Monday morning Special Report in the 9:00 a.m. Eastern hour on the Trump-Putin summit, the peacock network had already broken the panic button from hitting it too many times, blasting the President for praising the Russian-hosted World Cup, giving him “the upper hand,” sending out “such a damaging tweet” on the Mueller probe, and insinuated that he’s doing the bidding of Russia and the…

‘Cannot Be Trusted’: CNN Promotes Conspiracies After Slamming Trump

July 15th, 2018 3:21 PM
President Trump was set to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday, and the liberal media were in full campaign mode as they pushed speculation the President was a Russian agent meeting with his handler. CNN’s Brian Stelter admitted as much during Sunday’s Reliable Sources, saying, “Trump opponents will speculate that he's really a Russian agent, having a meeting with his handler,…

Karl to Bolton: Isn’t Trump Helping Putin Oppress, Murder Journalists?

July 15th, 2018 12:18 PM
In a truly ridiculous line of questions during ABC’s This Week on Sunday, fill-in host and White House correspondent Jon Karl badgered National Security Adviser John Bolton about President Trump’s combative relationship with the press and whether it helped Russian President Vladimir Putin crackdown on reporters there.

CNN's Berman Compares Trump's Diplomacy to 'Hulk Smash'

July 12th, 2018 9:35 PM
During Wednesday’s edition of New Day, the panel suffered a meltdown over President Trump’s suggestion that NATO members should pay their fair share and bringing up Germany’s reliance on Russia for oil. According to co-host John Berman: “This kind of diplomacy looks like Hulk smash. This looks like the avengers, Hulk smash.” Later, panelist John Avlon lamented that the office President Trump…

Wait, What? Matthews Condemns Trump’s ‘Brain Soup,’ ‘Psychobabble’

July 11th, 2018 4:01 PM
Yes, Chris Matthews said that on Tuesday’s Hardball. And, no, it didn’t appear that Matthews realized how what he said about President Trump came across as quite the case of irony. In the A-block of his MSNBC program, Matthews wondered if the world is “about to see collusion in plain sight” by “eight-year-old” President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin even though, in Matthews’s world,…

‘Meet the Press’ Panel Panics at Thought of Trump Meeting With Putin

July 8th, 2018 1:36 PM
President Trump will be meeting with U.S.’s NATO allies in just a few days and afterward, he is scheduled to fly to Helsinki, Finland for a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Of course, the upcoming meeting had the liberal media in a tizzy as many most likely felt the President was meeting with his handler. On NBC’s Meet the Press, the mostly liberal panel was in an utter panic about…

Buckle Up: Cuomo, Conway Come to Blows in Latest Duel on Comey

April 16th, 2018 4:05 PM
For the umpteenth time, Counselor to President Trump Kellyanne Conway battled CNN host Chris Cuomo during Monday’s New Day in a marathon shoutfest (almost 30 minutes in length) with the topics de jure being James Comey’s book tour and the Russia investigation.

FLASHBACK: Hypocritical Media Loved Obama's Syria Deal with Putin

April 10th, 2018 4:52 PM
Many in the liberal media have blamed the recently alleged chemical attack in Syria on President Trump, citing his vow to pull American troops out of the region as having “emboldened” Syrian President Bashar-al Assad. Yet the same networks wildly praised the “amazing” and “potentially groundbreaking” 2013 deal in which President Obama entrusted Russian forces with the disposal of Assad’s chemical…

Maddow: Trump Congratulating Putin Poses 'National Security Problem'

March 22nd, 2018 8:21 PM
Well into the second year of his presidency, Donald Trump continues to display a remarkable ability to compel liberal critics to sound even more ridiculous than they usually do. Such was the case last night on MSNBC when Rachel Maddow spent a considerable amount of time ruminating over news that Trump had disregarded the advice of aides and congratulated Russian President Vladimir Putin for…

MSNBC Repeatedly Alleges Trump is Being Blackmailed by Russia

March 21st, 2018 5:14 PM

Throughout the day on Wednesday, journalists and pundits on MSNBC could only think of one explanation for why President Trump would call to congratulate Vladimir Putin on his re-election – Russia must be blackmailing Trump. Without any evidence, show after show engaged in wild speculation that the Russians “have something” on the President.


Nets Hammer Trump for Putin Call, Only NBC Mentions Obama Did the Same

March 21st, 2018 12:35 PM
On Wednesday, all three network morning shows touted criticism of President Trump’s Tuesday phone call with Russian President Vladimir in which Trump congratulated Putin on his recent re-election victory – results widely considered to be illegitimate. However, only NBC’s Today show briefly mentioned that President Obama did the same thing in 2012.

Scarborough Compares Trump White House To 'Al Qaeda After 9/11'

February 21st, 2018 11:08 AM
After months of high-mindedly criticizing skeptics of the Russia hacking narrative as conspiracy theorists on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski decided to go off the reservation on Wednesday and deal in a conspiracy theory of her own. Fortunately, her co-host Joe Scarborough was there to change the subject and put the conversation on a more rational course – by comparing the Trump…

Bernstein on Memo: We Have ‘Not Seen Such Dark Days’ in America

February 2nd, 2018 4:55 PM
Always prone to use ostentatious rhetoric, CNN contributor Carl Bernstein unloaded Friday afternoon on the release of the Republican House Intelligence Committee memo, telling Jake Tapper that “we may well have not seen such dark days for American democracy and its institutions” to the point that we are “at a crossroads” because of the “demagogic authoritarian” President Trump.