Taylor Branch

Gerrymandered Double Standard: USA Today Scribe Says House GOP 'Looks
October 9th, 2013 1:15 PM
Liberals have grown increasingly angry at Republican “gerrymandering” as a cause for today’s “crazy” conservative House, that Republicans represent overwhelmingly anti-Obama districts and are in no danger of losing. They often completely ignore that many minority Democrats represent overwhelmingly pro-Obama districts and are in no danger of losing. (In response to Voting Rights Act-caused…

NBC's Todd Tees Up Guest to Claim Criticism of Big Government Just Rac
August 27th, 2013 3:08 PM
On Tuesday's MSNBC Daily Rundown, host Chuck Todd invited liberal historian Taylor Branch to blast modern-day conservatism as nothing more than racism in disguise: "You talked about how George Wallace decided to change his language right after – when the word segregation no longer had a – so he changed his language and it all became about big government." [Listen to the audio or watch the video…
CBS Touts New Sympathetic Book on Clinton Presidency
September 30th, 2009 3:10 PM
On Tuesday’s CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith painted a glowing portrait of the Clinton administration while previewing a new book on the former president: "During Bill Clinton’s presidency, the nation prospered, he worked to broker peace in the Middle East and in the Balkans, championed welfare reform, and signed the NAFTA free trade agreement."The book, entitled The Clinton Tapes: Wrestling…