Pope Francis
Two Pope Francis Films Are In Production
September 26th, 2013 1:12 PM
The Hollywood Reporter forwards the buzz that there are two film projects about the “wildly popular” Pope Francis in the works.
Writer and producer Christian Peschken, a Catholic convert from Pope Benedict's native Germany, is reported to be at work on a $34 million production with the working title Friend of the Poor.
Time Magazine Gives Platform to Liberal Nun to Push Female Priesthood
September 24th, 2013 1:05 PM
By now a clear pattern is developing in how the liberal media cover Pope Francis. Step one: the pontiff makes frank, off-the-cuff comments in a speech or an interview which contains statements easy for the liberal media to misconstrue. Step two: the media do what they do best, misconstrue and spin the pope in order to hail him as a liberal who will reform the church in a leftward direction on…
AP Spins Pope's Slam of Abortion as 'Olive Branch' to Church's 'Conser
September 20th, 2013 6:42 PM
On Friday, Nicole Winfield of the Associated Press shamelessly construed Pope Francis' denunciation of abortion and euthanasia as an "olive branch of sorts to the doctrine-minded, conservative wing of the Catholic Church". Winfield ballyhooed how the pontiff "issued a strong anti-abortion message and cited Vatican teaching on the need to defend the unborn".
The Bishop of Rome advised a group…
Pope Francis: 'Every Unborn Child...Has the Face of the Lord
September 20th, 2013 2:30 PM
While liberal journalists have a thrill up their leg over Pope Francis telling an interviewer that Catholics have a much broader message than just opposing abortion and unrepentant homosexuality, they're missing other messages that show the Holy Father is still leading a pro-life church.
Francis X. Rocca of The Catholic Herald in the United Kingdom reports the Pope told a gathering of…
CBS Hypes Francis As 'One of the Most Progressive Popes in Modern Time
September 13th, 2013 3:44 PM
Friday's CBS This Morning heralded how supposedly, "Pope Francis is already being described as one of the most progressive popes in modern times" after six months as Bishop of Rome. Charlie D'Agata asserted that the pontiff is "the friendly face of the Vatican, the people's pope", and played up how Francis' apparent "spirit of spontaneity, openness, and inclusion has courted controversy...It…
Editorials on Popes Dominated by Focus on Gays, Women
September 12th, 2013 12:11 PM
Let’s look at the way the print media reacted to Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis after their first six months as pontiff.
We looked at the editorials in 15 of the nation’s largest newspapers to see what they said about the current pope, and his predecessor, after their first six months in office (Pope Francis will celebrate his first six months on September 13).
CBS Laments Pope's 'Religious Street Protest' is Anti-Obama, Pro-Putin
September 6th, 2013 2:58 PM
On Friday's CBS This Morning, Mark Phillips all but hinted that Pope Francis had "taken sides" with Russia's Vladimir Putin and against President Obama in the international debate over military strikes in Syria. Phillips proposed that the Pope's letter to Putin "must have been music to the Russian president's ears."
The journalist also turned to a "Vatican historian" who once publicly…
Out of the Habit: Nets Favor Liberal Nuns
August 13th, 2013 3:25 PM
The Leadership Conference of Women Religious begins its annual assembly today in Orlando. The group of Catholic nuns from various orders is certain to be considering a response to the Vatican’s finding that LCWR’s liberal activism strays from Church doctrine on a variety of issues.
But the sisters probably aren’t too worried. They have something the Vactican doesn’t – a friendly news media.
In Daily Beast Screed, Vanity Fair Contributor Slams Pope Francis Over
August 1st, 2013 5:48 PM
You knew the warm fuzzies for Pope Francis couldn't last that long. While the media initially went gaga over Pope Francis, hoping beyond hope he was some liberal reformer who would open up the Catholic Church to all kinds of heterodoxy, the reality is slowly setting in. The first-ever Latin American pontiff is warm, genial, charismatic, and an excellent communicator with both the public and the…
'Today' Panel Proclaims 'Watershed Moment' for Gay Catholics, Demands
August 1st, 2013 4:05 PM
During a panel discussion on Thursday's NBC Today about comments from Pope Francis on homosexuality, co-host Matt Lauer asked the group of usual liberal pundits if the Pontiff's remarks were a "watershed moment for gays in the Church" or "just a very minor shift." [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the jump]
Advertising executive Donny Deutsch cheered: "I think it was a watershed…
AP's Vatican Reporter Cheers Pope Opposing 'Poisonously Homophobic Cul
August 1st, 2013 6:44 AM
The media is imagining a whole new Pope that it can hug and squeeze and calls its own. In its narrative, Pope Francis is a liberal modernizer, and everything he does sweeps that caveman Pope Benedict under the rug. See AP's Vatican reporter Nicole Winfield at the end of the pope's trip to Brazil: "The Francis Revolution is underway. Not everyone is pleased."
Catholics see the two popes as…
Media Censor: Pope’s Real Message on Women in the Church
July 31st, 2013 4:04 PM
Pope Francis is learning the hard way about the media’s predilection for hearing – and reporting – only what they want. First, they twisted his unremarkable restatement of Catholic doctrine on homosexuality into headlines like “POPE OK WITH GAYS.”
Now, journalists are angry about Francis’ unremarkable restatement of Catholic doctrine refuting liberal calls for women priests, and ignoring what…
CBS Bizarrely Wonders if Pope Francis is 'Breaking With The Vatican
July 30th, 2013 5:28 PM
Monday's CBS Evening News offered the usual biased coverage of religion, and specifically, the Catholic Church, as it reported on Pope Francis' widely misrepresented remarks on homosexuals. Dean Reynolds' only talking head was a former priest who apparently "quit the priesthood...after he felt the Church intended to purge gays", and even wondered if the Pope was throwing out Catholic teaching…
MSNBC's Hayes: 'Heinous Teaching' for Pope to Say It Is 'Sin' to 'Viol
July 30th, 2013 3:02 PM
On Monday's All In show, as MSNBC's Chris Hayes rejoiced somewhat over Pope Francis's recent comments about people who have homosexual "tendencies" becoming priests, the MSNBC host also declared that it was a "heinous teaching" for the Pope to say that it is a "sin" to "violate God's law," referring to acting out on homosexual feelings. Hayes complained: