Matt Dowd Wants to Bring Back the Clinton Sexual Misbehavior Exception

November 22nd, 2017 8:11 PM
In a Wednesday morning tweet, Matthew Dowd of ABC News, the network's chief political analyst, demonstrated once again that he can be counted on to cling to views diametrically opposed to common sense, as he for all practical purposes resurrected the dishonest defense Democrats used to save Bill Clinton's presidency in the late-1990s. Dowd's version, tweeted today in reaction to sex harassment…

Dowd: GOP ‘Empowered’ Clinton’s Sexual Behavior With ‘Tainted’ Thomas

November 19th, 2017 1:32 PM
ABC’s make-believe Republican Matthew Dowd went completely off the rails Sunday during his appearance on This Week. During the panel discussion of the latest sexual harassment allegations around the country, Dowd went off the deep end and claimed Republicans “empowered” Bill Clinton’s sexually predatory behavior and “gave up their values” by putting “tainted” Justice Clarence Thomas on the…

Irony: Dowd Tells Steffy Believing Women 'Ought to Be' the 'Default'

November 13th, 2017 3:58 PM
While discussing the Roy Moore allegations on Monday’s Good Morning America, ABC’s chief political analyst, faux Republican, and nasty politico Matthew Dowd ironically informed co-host and former Bill Clinton official George Stephanopoulos that, in sexual misconduct incidents, “the default position ought to be believe the women.”

ABC: ‘Diversity and Inclusion’ of Dem Wins Are ‘Rejection of Trump’

November 8th, 2017 11:29 AM
Giddy over Democratic wins in state and local elections across the country, on Wednesday’s Good Morning America, political pundits Matthew Dowd and Meghan McCain were eager to cheer the results as “rejection” of President Trump and a victory for “diversity and inclusion.”  

Dowd Dismisses DNC Clinton Deal, Todd Sees 'Grenade' for Dems

November 4th, 2017 11:03 PM
As the morning broadcast network newscasts on Friday and Saturday gave attention to former Democratic National Committee chair Donna Brazile's charge that the DNC was rigged to favor Hillary Clinton's presidential candidacy, there was a striking contrast in the way ABC's Matthew Dowd dismissed the story on Saturday whereas NBC's Chuck Todd on Friday described the revelation as a "grenade" for…

Disgusting Behavior: ABC Panel Shouts Down Truth of Dossier Collusion

October 29th, 2017 2:12 PM
Fox and Friends co-host Brian Kilmeade walked into a lion’s den during his book tour on Sunday when he appeared ABC’s This Week as a part of a panel that was stacked 5:1 against him. A fairly large segment of their roundtable discussion was about the infamous Trump dossier. Everything got extremely heated when the liberal panel began to shout Kilmeade down and ludicrously claim there was no…

Dowd Questions Kelly’s Intelligence, Claims Lincoln’s GOP Is Gone

October 22nd, 2017 1:12 PM
ABC's make-believe Republican Matthew Dowd was on a tear Sunday morning during his appearance on This Week’s “Powerhouse Roundtable.” While there, he continued his exhausted criticism of President Trump but he set his eyes on a new target: White House Chief of Staff General John Kelly. And according to Dowd, Kelly’s defense of President Trump’s call to a gold star widow meant people should start…

ABC's Dowd Lamely Claims Trump Travel Ban 'Does Nothing on Security'

October 11th, 2017 11:59 PM
Tuesday, after over eight months of lower-court legal maneuvering, the Supreme Court "dismissed a major challenge to President Trump's travel ban on majority-Muslim countries ... because it has been replaced by a new version, sending the controversy back to the starting block." Perhaps the weakest argument by someone in the media against what the Supreme Court ultimately did — that Trump's…

ABC’s Dowd Slams Trump for ‘Continued Belligerence’ With North Korea

September 3rd, 2017 1:17 PM
ABC commentator Matthew Dowd was livid Sunday morning following a series of tweets by President Trump on North Korea and their latest nuclear bomb test. “I think part of the problem we're in today is the belligerent language that he's used over the last three or four months in the midst of this,” he decried to moderator Martha Raddatz during This Week, completely derailing a conversation about…

ABC Panel: Trump’s Arpaio Pardon Is ‘Decimating’ U.S. Institutions

August 27th, 2017 12:09 PM
In a controversial and questionable move the Friday before Hurricane Harvey struck the coast of Texas, President Trump pardoned former Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio who was charged with defying a court order not to racially profile. The action set the liberal media into a tailspin. And during Sunday’s This Week on ABC, the stacked panel claimed Trump thought he was above the rule of law and was…

Dowd: Trump Hates the Media Because His 'Greatest Enemy Is the Truth'

August 23rd, 2017 1:48 PM
After accusing Trump-supporters of wanting to hurt reporters, ABC went on to claim that Trump hated the media because he hates the truth, on Wednesday’s Good Morning America. Not only that, ABC political analyst Matthew Dowd stated, but Trump hates that that the Constitution protects freedom of the press.

ABC, NBC Dump Cold Water on Trump’s Afghanistan Plan Due to Bad Polls

August 22nd, 2017 12:02 AM
On Monday night, the “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC each broke in with special reports for President Trump’s speech announcing his Afghanistan strategy and, in the course of the post-speech analyses, ABC and NBC lobbed cold water on the plans seeing as how low Trump’s approval ratings have been.

Cokie Roberts Blames Trump/Sessions for Sending ‘Signals’ to Racists

August 13th, 2017 12:16 PM
Following the horrific domestic terrorist attack in Charlottesville, Virginia on Saturday, the media was on the hunt to cast blame on someone and lump them in with the racist that carried out the attack. And during Sunday’s This Week on ABC, commentator Cokie Roberts found her target in President Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions. According to her, they were to blame because they were…

Dowd Compares Trump to Kim Jong-un, Suggests Europe Fears Trump More

August 9th, 2017 6:52 PM
ABC political analyst and faux Republican Matthew Dowd spent Wednesday afternoon with fellow liberal Republican Nicolle Wallace’s Deadline White House, serenading MSNBC viewers with the claim that Trump’s “fire and fury” statement could easily be said by North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un. Receiving zero pushback, Dowd also speculated that Europe is more scared of Trump than a murderous communist…