Mark Warner
WaPo Warns of 'Far Right' Ken Cuccinelli, But Virginia's Democrat Sta
September 21st, 2010 8:07 AM
The Washington Post's undisguised loathing for conservative Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli is on display again Tuesday. Post reporter Anita Kumar put him on the "far right" and questioned the propriety (and even the constitutionality) of his working relationship with other Republicans in Richmond. Kumar began by noting a list of Cuccinell's "controversial" legal opinions, that "police…
WaPo Raises Victory Flag For Warner, Kaine -- Ignores Mark Levin
December 10th, 2009 12:10 PM
The Washington Post has a problem with partisan memory loss.Many of you may have heard of the recent nastiness of a Virginia homeowners’ association attempting to deny Colonel Van T. Barfoot (U.S. Army, Ret.), a Congressional Medal of Honor winner, the right to erect a flagpole in his own front yard. If you are like me, you heard about this first on Wednesday, December 2, on the Mark Levin radio…
Will Media Ignore Mark Warner's Obama-like Gaffe on Gun Owners, Religi
October 7th, 2008 1:34 PM
With Virginia as a battleground state in the 2008 election and given Democrat Barack Obama's damaging gaffe earlier this year about rural voters clinging "to guns or religion", a new gaffe by another Democrat should be worthy of media attention. It remains to be seen if the mainstream media will even notice. (h/t Reformed Chicks Blabbing)Running to fill the seat being vacated by retiring…
CNN Again Worries About Lack of Attacks on Republicans
August 26th, 2008 6:46 PM
During Monday’s convention coverage, CNN’s Jeffrey Toobin fretted that the Democrats weren’t doing enough Bush-bashing. Tuesday afternoon, CNN aired two segments during the 1:00 hour of CNN’s Newsroom in which they promoted Democrat fears that Virginia Senate candidate Mark Warner “won’t go for the jugular” in his speech tonight.White House correspondent Suzanne Malveaux highlighted the split…