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Lisa Jackson

Liberal Media Mock Breitbart for Exposing NY Times Reporter's Emails
August 8th, 2017 8:32 PM
Breitbart’s being mocked by “mainstream” media figures on Twitter for reporting on emails New York Times environment reporter/activist Coral Davenport sent to sympathetic fellow greens at the Environmental Protection Agency to produce hard-hitting reports on Trump’s EPA boss Scott Pruitt.

Politico's Framing of Jackson's Resignation from EPA: 'After Four Year
December 31st, 2012 1:06 AM
In their December 27 story about Lisa Jackson's resignation from atop her perch at the Environmental Protection Agency, Darren Samuelsohn and Erica Martinson at the Politico wanted readers to believe that occurred after "after four years of battling Republicans and industry while also giving the White House some heartburn along the way over her push for new clean air rules."
Please. It's not…

Press Virtually Ignoring Lisa Jackson's Use of 'Alias' Email Accounts
November 20th, 2012 8:12 PM
It's been over a week since the Michael Bastasch at the Daily Caller exposed EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson's use of alias email accounts to conduct official business. A Monday evening Investor's Business Daily editorial noted that this practice is more than likely illegal, because "Federal law prohibits the government from using private emails for official communications unless they are…

TNT’s ‘Rizzoli & Isles’ Demonizes Fracking
June 18th, 2012 10:28 AM
The new villain, same as the old villain, but with a twist.
TNT continued the Hollywood practice of condemning oil and gas in its June 12 episode of “Rizzoli & Isles.” The plot featured an ex-Blackwater agent, masquerading as a yoga guru, who kills a vegan student and a professor in order to hide his drilling for natural gas from shale. This episode was a triple decker for left-wing …

Sen. Inhofe Talks to NewsBusters About Global Warming, Gingrich and Po
November 30th, 2011 8:08 PM
After Politico hysterically named Environmental Protection Agency chief Lisa Jackson its "Energy Policy Maker of the Year" Tuesday evening, NewsBusters sought the opinion of James Inhofe (R-Ok.), the ranking member on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.
As readers would expect, this led to a lengthy discussion about the global warming myth, Republican presidential candidate…

EPA ‘Masquerading Propaganda as Facts’ in Support of Clean Air Act
June 21st, 2011 9:42 PM
The 1990 amendments to the Clean Air Act will save the United States $2 trillion by 2020, says Environmental Protection Agency chief Lisa Jackson – citing figures from an EPA report which one expert has faulted for “widely exaggerated claims.”

EPA Boss to Speak at Youth Climate Conference With Van Jones and Inter
April 13th, 2011 2:49 PM
On Saturday, the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency Lisa Jackson will be giving the keynote speech at the Energy Action Coalition's Power Shift 2011 conference, a meeting of potentially 10,000 green youth activists in Washington, D.C.
According to the schedule, President Obama's former green jobs czar Van Jones will be speaking Friday evening, and members of the…
WH 'Command and Control' EPA Threat Confirms C of C Head's Prediction
December 12th, 2009 10:10 AM
Has anyone else noticed how chilling it has been during the past few days? Not chilly (though it's been that too). Chilling. On Monday, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency declared, in the Associated Press's words, that "greenhouse gas emissions are a danger and must be regulated." The AP, in the item just linked, and many other news outlets carried U.S. Chamber of Commerce President and…
CNN's American Morning Leans Towards ClimateGate Deniers
December 7th, 2009 3:10 PM
Monday’s American Morning on CNN covered the ClimateGate scandal extensively, but slanted towards those who deny that the exposed e-mails amount to much. Anchor John Roberts let the interim director of the Climate Research Unit at the center of the controversy give his talking points without question. Out of the four segments on the scandal, two featured skeptics of the theory of manmade climate…
Huge CO2 Emissions Disagreement Between EPA and Energy Dept. Ignored b
July 8th, 2009 10:56 AM
The mainstream media loves to tell the public about how "unreliable" the blogosphere is as an information source. However, there is a huge story out there that is only being covered by the blogosphere, in particular at Watts Up With That?, which is currently being completely ignored by the MSM.It is about a significant disagreement between the Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa…
GMA Hails Obama's 'Green Dream Team
December 14th, 2008 9:25 AM
An environmentalist's dream might be a businessman's nightmare. But when it came to describing the the environmental team Pres.-elect Obama has assembled, it was sugar plum fairies for GMA this morning. Rachel Martin, who came to ABC from NPR, narrated the segment.RACHEL MARTIN: They are calling it the "Green Dream Team." Which invites the obvious question: who's "they," kimosabe? Running…