Lester Maddox

Lester Maddox of Golf: NYT Lets Feminist Foe Smear Golf Star in Obit
July 18th, 2017 12:02 PM
Hootie Johnson, former chairman of the Augusta National Golf Club in Augusta, Ga., home of The Master’s Golf Tournament, died on Friday at age 86. The New York Times recognized him in an obituary by Richard Goldstein and could not resist getting in last swings at its unlikely foe. In 2002-03, Johnson was in the paper’s cross-hairs for refusing to admit women members to Augusta National. In a…

Carville Likens GOP Primary Voters To Low-Quality Jailbirds
September 24th, 2013 8:26 AM
Drag a $100 bill through MSNBC and there's no telling what you'll find. On today's Morning Joe, the ever-classy James Carville likened GOP primary voters to low-quality prison inmates.
Carville made his asinine analogy in responding to Joe Scarborough's suggestion that Republicans can still prevail in coming election cycles if they do the "smart thing." Carville said the situation reminded…
Olbermann: Limbaugh ‘Putting on Sheet’ and ‘Dropping Guise of No
February 24th, 2010 5:05 AM
Update further down in bold recounting that House Democratic Whip James Clyburn once described health care reform as being part of "rectifying effects of past discrimination," which Chris Matthews referred to as "reparations."On Tuesday’s Countdown show, MSNBC host Keith Olbermann picked up on an item from the far left Media Matters for America to charge that conservative talk radio host Rush…