Larry Sabato

Editor’s Pick: RedState on Dejected Sabato Mourning Dem ‘Bloodbath’
As the Virginia gubernatorial election returns were coming in Tuesday night showing Republican Glenn Youngkin on the verge of victory, RedState’s Nick Arama highlighted how “shell-shocked” liberal political analyst Larry Sabato appeared on MSNBC and mourned that “one of the people high up in the McAuliffe campaign called it what it was — a ‘bloodbath.’”

It’s Happening: Here Are the Best Meltdowns From MSNBC Prime Time
It was a horrendous night on Tuesday for liberals as Republicans were poised to sweep into power in previously blue Virginia and running a close race for New Jersey’s governor’s mansion. And with that, MSNBC was beside itself with DEFCON-1 levels of hysteria that showed, at least for one night, that the far-left cable journalists and pundits had learned nothing. MSNBC again turned to Rachel…

LOONY MSNBC Guest: Youngkin Might Win Thanks to 'White Backlash'
Appearing Monday afternoon on MSNBC, longtime University of Virginia professor Larry Sabato reminded viewers of the depths in which his brain has been broken as he relayed that a victory for Virginia Republican gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin over former Governor Terry McAuliffe (D) would be thanks to his use of lies and white power to galvanize a “white backlash” against Democrats…

CNN Guest Goes Nuts, Implies GOP Supports Violence
On Tuesday morning’s CNN Newsroom, CNN guest and University of Virginia Center for Politics Director Larry Sabato ranted against Republicans, claiming they were almost solely to blame for the breakdown of civility in American politics...

CNN: Why Didn't Sanders Say Lewinsky 'Has No Place' in Campaign?