
ABC, CBS Blast Biden for ‘Damaging’ ‘Setback’ Calling Xi ‘A Dictator’

November 16th, 2023 4:05 PM

The “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC were unsurprisingly smitten Thursday morning with President Biden’s Wednesday summit with Chinese totalitarian leader Xi Jinping, singing Biden’s praises as if they had been giving White House scripts. However, ABC and CBS showed disgust with Biden for creating a “damaging” “setback” that could “negate” and “undo” “goodwill” with Xi by saying he’s…


WH Journo: Is the U.S. ‘On the Wrong Side of History’ Backing Israel?

November 14th, 2023 10:23 AM

Almost on a daily basis at the White House press briefing, reporters from the taxpayer-funded outlets NPR, PBS, and Voice of America remind us why they deserve to be defunded. On Monday, VOA correspondent Patsy Widakuswara asked National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan if President Biden’s “concerned” that America’s “on the wrong side of history” by supporting Israel, adding the U.S. is “losing…


MSNBC Claims Everyone Making ‘Assumptions’ Hamas Uses Human Shields

November 13th, 2023 8:07 PM

“Pro-Hamas” is the only way to describe anyone who at this point in history tries to downplay or dismiss the fact that the terrorist organization uses human shields and particularly places their command centers under hospitals and other civilian infrastructure. So, that’s the term to describe MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell on Monday after she argued with National Security Council spokesman John…


WH’s Kirby Smacks Down More Anti-Israel Hardballs From Press Corps

November 8th, 2023 12:05 PM

On Tuesday, the National Security Council’s John Kirby went before fellow liberals who normally work as stenographers for power (i.e. Kirby and his friends), but during the Israel-Hamas war, Kirby has fended off questions ranging from the insane to the wrong to downright anti-Israel. This time, he was accused by a reporter for a Saudi-funded outlet of being a puppet for Israel and pressed by…


Doocy SLAMS Qatar in Fiery Battle With Kirby; Others Fear Islamophobia

November 3rd, 2023 12:01 PM

Thursday’s White House press briefing devolved into the liberal press corps consistently showing concern for Hamas terrorists and their citizens in Gaza and increasing scorn for Israel’s right to take out Hamas for their October 7 terror attacks. In contrast, Fox’s Peter Doocy grilled the National Security Council’s John Kirby over the Biden administration’s praise for Qatar despite its…

NYT Mad Sen. Blackburn Referred To Americans In Gaza As “Hostages"

November 3rd, 2023 12:05 AM

The New York Times, struggling to recover reputationally after its horrendous coverage of the rocket that landed within the Al-Ahli Arab Hospital complex, is one of several outlets now…


PBS Reporter: Dems Who Don't Condemn Hamas Are Just Netanyahu Critics

November 1st, 2023 1:49 PM

PBS NewsHour White House correspondent Laura Barron-Lopez joined CNN’s Inside Politics panel on Wednesday to discuss how progressives are reacting to the Israeli-Hamas War and to suggest that Democrats who refused to condemn terrorism did so, not because they hate Israel, but because they are simply critics of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.


Um, What? Arab WH Reporter Claims War Has Killed 160 Family Members

November 1st, 2023 12:48 PM

Tuesday’s White House press briefing brought about more of the same with a slew of journalists standing up for Hamas and their civilian supporters in Gaza following an Israeli airstrike in Jabalia on a refugee camp allegedly posing as a giant human shield for Hamas operations. But within the questions was a curious question from one Arab reporter in which he shockingly claimed he’s lost 160…


Hamas Beheads Hostage, Press Claims ISRAEL Not Following ‘Laws of War’

October 30th, 2023 6:44 PM

On Monday, multiple news outlets reported that Shani Louk, a German-Israeli civilian woman who was kidnapped by Hamas from the music festival on October 7, was “beheaded” and “dragged through the streets.” But during the White House press briefing with NSC spokesman Admiral John Kirby later that day, most of the liberal questioners were more concerned about whether or not Israel was the side…


What Was It? NBC Downplays Wannabe Pogrom as ‘Pro-Palestinian Mob’

October 30th, 2023 1:58 PM

Surprisingly, all three major broadcast networks mentioned on Monday morning’s news shows that video emerged in Dagestan, Russia of a 21st century wannabe porgrom looking for Jews after a flight landed at the regional airport from Tel Aviv. Not surprising, however, was how it was minimized on at least one network with NBC’s Today brushing it off as a “pro-Palestinian” mob and even…

NBC News Editor’s Track Record Shows He MIGHT Be a Hamas Stooge

October 30th, 2023 11:59 AM

Having already made himself infamous for his pathetic defense of the mentally and physically-impaired Democrat John Fetterman during the latter’s 2022 senatorial campaign, tech editor Ben Goggin has spent the days and weeks since Hamas’s October 7 terror attacks in Israel shilling for the radical Islamists, taking them at their word. This is be no means a complete list, but it…

No, Grandpa! Nets Trust Hamas Death Tolls Despite Biden Saying Not to

October 27th, 2023 5:05 PM

On Wednesday afternoon, President Biden didn’t mince words in following the lead from John Kirby of his own of the National Security Council in telling reporters that he has “no confidence in the number[s]” from Hamas and that they’re not “telling the truth.” But despite these marching orders, the “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, NBC have still been taking the death tallies from Hamas’s so-…


Reporters Defend Hamas Terrorists as Credible, WH’s Kirby Schools Them

October 27th, 2023 2:45 PM

Thursday’s White House press briefing marked an embarrassing display of the liberal media not only bothsidesing the Israel-Hamas war, but defending the terrorist group Hamas as credible when it comes to death counts coming out of Gaza. Thankfully, even longtime Democratic administration official and National Security Council flack John Kirby spoke for most viewers in smacking down this idiocy…


Credit Where It’s Due: John Kirby NUKES Reporter’s Question on Gazans

October 26th, 2023 11:36 PM

While not to be confused with anything more than a longtime Democratic regime official, Biden National Security Council official John Kirby showed surprising backbone all sides can applaud in Thursday’s White House press briefing when provided refreshing moral clarity upon being dealt a snarky question from the left by Raquel Krӓhenbühl of the Brazilian network TV Globo on whether he should…