John Dean

NYT, Time Mag: Look to the Past on Impeaching Trump! Remember Nixon?

Media Drool Over Michael Cohen Plea Deal: Trump’s ‘Watergate'
This morning, the news and cable networks were abuzz with talk of “Watergate” and impeachment, salivating over the idea that Michael Cohen’s plea deal would lead to Trump’s ousting. Over and over again, the media compared the betrayal of the President’s former personal lawyer to Nixon’s scandal, calling Trump an “unindicted co-conspirator” in a scandal that was as big as Watergate.

CNN Panelist: 'Trump Is Nixon on Steroids and Stilts'

Erin Burnett Spits Bile As She Tries to Discredit Sen Johnson's Review

MRC’s Noyes: Media Are ‘ the Streets’ Over DJT Jr. Story

Shootings? Beatings? Traffic Deaths? All Trump’s Fault!

Partisan Jeffrey Toobin: Obstruction of Justice ‘Even Clearer Now’

Nostalgic Woodward Imagines Comey as ‘Our Old Source Deep Throat’

Matthews’s Comey Freak Out: Trump Is Worse Than Nixon!

Supposedly Relevant Rather: Comey Hearing Is 'Code Red' for America

Mitchell Accuses Intel Officials of ‘Stonewalling’ in Senate Hearing

Matthews: Thursday Will Be Jimmy Stewart Vs. The Joker from Batman

Maddow: Flynn Development Might Be the Biggest POTUS Scandal Ever

Blitzer Pushes Guests for Trump Impeachment; ‘Are We Getting Closer?'
During Tuesday’s Situation Room, CNN host Wolf Blitzer repeatedly nudged guests to accept the notion of impeaching President Donald Trump following a New York Times piece claiming that Trump told then-FBI Director James Comey in February to end the Mike Flynn probe.