Kasie Hunt CNN This Morning 7-24-24

CNN Host Dismisses Scott Jennings: Just 'Giving You Spin' on Kamala

July 24th, 2024 10:12 AM

When CNN This Morning host Kasie Hunt brings in a Republican and a Democrat to discuss the campaign, that would be two spins. But at the end of today's chat with Republican Scott Jennings and Democrat Brad Woodhouse, Hunt warned viewers "Scott is giving you spin, that is what they are going to say." The Democrat apparently offered the gospel truth.


Noted Regime Shill Joins Erin Burnett, Promotes ‘Excitement’

July 24th, 2024 1:25 AM

Having successfully echoed efforts to remove President Joe Biden form the 2024 presidential ballot, the Regime Media’s propaganda onslaught continues apace in furtherance of creating aura around Vice President Kamala Harris’s nascent candidacy.


REGIME PROPAGANDA: NBC Passes A Kamala Youth Commercial Off As ‘News’

July 24th, 2024 12:20 AM

We are now quite deep into the propaganda portion of the transition from Biden to Harris. How deep? NBC News is basically running youth commercials as “reports”.


PBS Balance: Buffing Biden Up With One Guest, Trashing Trump With Next

July 23rd, 2024 8:51 PM

Monday’s Amanpour & Co., which airs on tax-funded PBS, took advantage of Joe Biden abdicating his re-election campaign to do some Biden-buffing courtesy of Bob Bauer, Biden’s personal lawyer, followed by some Trump-trashing from Sarah Longwell, the “Republican” Never-Trumper, and apparent Kamala Harris booster. 

This Politico GENIUS Mocked the GOP 'Fantasy' Biden-Replacement Theory

July 23rd, 2024 3:10 PM

Today's point-and-laugh bit on Conservative Twitter is remembering how Politico columnist Jonathan Martin proclaimed back in February that it was a cuckoo conspiracy theory that Biden would be replaced on the ticket.


MSNBC’s Jen Psaki Demands That the UAW Bend the Knee to Kamala Harris

July 23rd, 2024 12:48 PM

The upheaval at the top of the Regime have the Regime Media scrambling to hold its diverse elements and coalitions together, all in the name of Defending Democracy™. This means that unannounced allies may be compelled to pledge loyalty to Vice President Kamala Harris, as was the case with United Auto Workers union president Shawn Fain.

Eugene Robinson MSNBC Morning Joe 7-23-24

Morning Joe: Kamala Won't Merely Beat Trump, She Can 'SLAM' Him!

July 23rd, 2024 12:32 PM

Morning Joe oozes with excitement over Kamala Harris as the Democrat presidential nominee. Eugene Robinson caps it by saying that the feeling among Dems is that Kamala can not just beat Trump, she can "slam" him. There was much excitement over Kamala's fundraising haul since Biden's exit. Scarborough literally poor-mouthed himself, saying that as "a poor country lawyer," he can't even…

EXCLUSIVE: CNN Sought WH Pre-Approval for Biden Gas Stove Ban Story

July 23rd, 2024 12:23 PM

In a gross violation of journalistic ethics, a CNN journalist gave the Biden administration a sneak peek of her article looking for the government stamp of approval before publishing.


Sexism, Watching Waves: The WORST Moments From CBS After Biden Quit

July 23rd, 2024 10:24 AM

On Sunday afternoon after President Biden’s handlers posted for him on social media that he won’t run for reelection, CBS blew ABC and NBC out of the water with nearly four hours of airtime (roughly 3:55) fawning over Biden as someone embedded in “the American story” and set to live “in very rarefied air” of U.S. history and decrying even policy criticisms of likely Democratic nominee, Vice…


Colbert Delivers Ode to 'Great President' Biden, Dances for Harris

July 23rd, 2024 10:00 AM

CBS’s Stephen Colbert reacted to President Joe Biden’s decision to end his re-election bid on Monday’s edition of The Late Show by gushing over his supposedly “great” presidency, retiring “Joe Biden is old" jokes, and doing a happy dance because he has hope again.


Real-Time History REWRITE: CBS Casts Biden as LBJ

July 23rd, 2024 12:29 AM

The first draft of history, specifically, President Joe Biden’s decision to withdraw from his campaign to seek reelection, is being rewritten in real time. In addition to being likened to Washington and Cincinnatus, Biden is now drawing media comparisons to Lyndon Baines Johnson.

NewsBusters Podcast: Biden Forced to Quit, Then He's George Washington

July 22nd, 2024 10:54 PM

Joe Biden is finally dragged out of the race, kicking and screaming, and then he’s suddenly praised for a graceful exit and compared to George Washington. Biden should be compared to less-than-great presidents like Millard Fillmore.


Whoopi RAGES at Biden Dropping Out, Tells Manchin 'We Don’t Want You!’

July 22nd, 2024 4:04 PM

The liberal ladies of ABC’s The View tried to put on a brave face during Monday’s episode as they had to react to President Biden dropping out of the presidential race and giving the nod to Vice President Kamala Harris. While they all rallied to Harris’s banner for political purposes, moderator Whoopi Goldberg vented her frustrations with the whole situation and demanded others…


PBS Spin: Harris Challenge Would Be Good, No Challenge = 'Party Unity'

July 22nd, 2024 1:10 PM

On Sunday, after President Biden announced he would not run for re-election, political reporter Domenico Montanaro of National Public Radio turned up on PBS News Weekend and sounded exceedingly optimistic about the prospects of the presumptive Democratic nominee, Vice President Kamala Harris. Montanaro engaged in pro-Democrat happy talk and managed to have it both ways,…