
Rose Appears Baffled GOPers Leveled ‘a Lot of Attacks on Hillary'

November 11th, 2015 8:39 PM
Filling in for Scott Pelley on Wednesday’s CBS Evening News, Charlie Rose provided a wrap-up of Tuesday’s Fox Business Networks Republican presidential debate and seemed exasperated when he wondered to Face the Nation anchor John Dickerson “why” did the GOP candidates level “a lot of attacks on Hillary Clinton.”

Jeb Supporter on CNN Laments Lindsey Graham Being Excluded from Debate

November 10th, 2015 8:46 PM
Offering analysis of the first Fox Business Network Republican presidential debate on the 8:00 p.m. Eastern edition of CNN’s AC360, CNN political commentator and Jeb Bush supporter Ana Navarro lamented that Senator Lindsey Graham (S.C.) and his “passionate voice” was excluded from the undercard event.  

MRC Study: TV News Is Trying to Winnow the Field of GOP Candidates

November 9th, 2015 9:16 AM

During the past three months, the big broadcast networks have essentially stopped covering most of the GOP presidential candidates, a lack of national news attention that presumably affects the national poll ratings used to determine which candidates are included in televised debates. Instead of covering the top 10 Republican candidates, or the entire current field of 15 candidates, the…

Maher Hits Carson with Uncle Ben's, Bevin Is 'Teabagger,' GOPers Cheat

November 8th, 2015 5:02 PM
On Friday's Real Time on HBO, host Bill Maher aimed venom at a number of conservative public figures as he referred to Uncle Ben's rice in a racially tinged joke about Dr. Ben Carson, and asserted that it is President Reagan's fault that many middle aged white Americans have personal problems that lead them to drunkenness, heroin addiction, and early death, as the HBO host tagged them "Trump…

Sounds Like Carville Just Called Ben Carson 'Chauncey Gardiner'

November 4th, 2015 6:41 PM
Can you imagine the liberal outrage if a Republican called a prominent African-American Dem candidate "Chauncey Gardiner," the simple soul from the Peter Sellers film Being There? The cries of racism might well cost such a hapless Republican his job.  But don't expect James Carville to pay any price. On today's With All Due Respect, Carville said that a frustrated Bush "can't believe that…

CNN's Gangel Gently Pursues 'Decent' Jeb Bush On Trump, Rubio

November 4th, 2015 5:01 PM
On Wednesday's New Day, Jamie Gangel broke CNN's routine of hounding Republican/conservative guests with a mostly non-confrontational interview of Jeb Bush. Gangel only mildly pressed the GOP presidential candidate on the issue of his recent move to target competitor Marco Rubio: "You went after him [Rubio] for missing votes. But he hit back, and some people think he got the better of the moment…

CBS Knocks ‘Xenophobic’ Trump, Hypes ‘Roundly Mocked’ Jeb

November 3rd, 2015 12:58 PM
It was Republican bashing all around on CBS This Morning, Tuesday. Bloomberg journalist and author John Heilemann appeared on the show and knocked the “xenophobic” Donald Trump and the “roundly mocked” Jeb Bush. Heilemann allowed that “There are people who really like the way he [Trump] talks about China, the way he talks about immigration, the kind of nationalist, some would say xenophobic”…

David Brooks: Jeb Should Become the ‘Laxative’ Candidate

November 1st, 2015 11:59 AM
During a panel discussion on NBC’s Meet the Press about the state of Jeb Bush’s presidential campaign, liberal New York Times columnist David Brooks used a crude analogy to explain how Bush should turn around his struggling candidacy. 

NBC Minimizes Covering RNC Suspending Future GOP Presidential Debate

October 30th, 2015 10:13 PM
Friday's NBC Nightly News set aside just 34 seconds of air time to the Republican National Committee suspending its planned February 2016 debate with NBC. The evening newscast surrounded this coverage with over two minutes of reporting on other 2016 presidential campaign developments, focusing on the spat between Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush. By contrast, ABC's World News Tonight and CBS Evening News…

Frank Rich: Jeb Had Uphill Task After Dad, Dubya Helped Wreck GOP

October 30th, 2015 9:21 PM
The New York magazine writer-at-large and former New York Times columnist and theater critic says Jeb's problems included not only Dubya’s war in Iraq and pre-9/11 “national-security failures” but also the supposedly unsavory, extreme-right types that 41 and 43 attracted to the GOP, thereby contributing to its ruin.

Even Kimmel Hated Jeb’s Attack on Rubio; ‘No One Outside of FL Cares'

October 30th, 2015 2:36 PM
While much of the media ruled that Jeb Bush did not have a satisfactory debate performance on Wednesday, the sentiment stretched even into the late-night comedy shows as ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel panned the “embarrassing” Bush on Thursday for attacking Rubio on an issue “that literally no one outside of Florida cares about” concerning his Senate attendance record.

CNN's Camerota: Trump Doesn't Have A 'Legitimate Beef' With the Media

October 29th, 2015 12:33 PM
On Thursday's New Day, CNN's Alisyn Camerota denied that true media bias against Donald Trump exists. Chris Cuomo asserted that Trump "has no beef with the media....he's got nothing but free air time by us." Camerota countered that the Republican presidential candidate "did call us 'scum'...He has a beef, but it's not a legitimate beef."

Christie Trashes CNBC’s Quintanilla for Fantasy Football Question

October 28th, 2015 10:49 PM
Governor Chris Christie (N.J.) assailed CNBC debate co-moderator Carl Quintanilla for dedicating a line of questioning to whether daily fantasy football websites should face regulation by the federal government: "Are we really talking about getting government involved in fantasy football? Wait a second, we have $19 trillion in debt, we have people out of work, we have ISIS and Al Qaeda attacking…

'Clackery of Clacking Class': Wallace Slams Politico Story on Jeb

October 28th, 2015 8:32 AM
Whatever Nicolle Wallace had for breakfast this morning, Jeb should down a double order . . . On today's Morning Joe, former Bush communications chief Wallace slammed a Politico story in which former McCain staffers rejected parallels between Jeb's campaign and that of McCain, who came back from the political wilderness to win the nomination in 2008. Calling the story a "cheap shot," "low blow"…