Networks Predict 'Death Blow' and 'Doom' for Cain, CBS Skips Accuser's

November 29th, 2011 11:14 AM
All three morning shows on Tuesday trumpeted the latest woman to make accusations against Herman Cain, hyping this as a possible "death blow" and sign of coming "doom" for the "Sixth Sense" campaign. [See video below. MP3 audio here.] Ginger White insisted that she and Cain had engaged in a 13-year affair.  CBS, unlike NBC and ABC, made no mention of the woman's past legal problems, which…

WaPo 'Right Turn' Blogger Trashes Conservative Media; Post Edits It Ha

November 28th, 2011 7:47 AM
The Washington Post selected Jennifer Rubin as their “Right Turn” blogger, which to many has seemed like the wrong title. It should be “Romney’s Turn.” But when the Post publishes her blogs in excerpted form in the newspaper, they’re making her even sharper in attacking the “hard right” of the Republican Party. In Monday’s paper, Rubin lashed out at the New Hampshire Union Leader’s…

Rich Lowry Pushes Back Against Dyson's Charge Republicans Are Racist

November 27th, 2011 6:46 PM
As is to be expected whenever he's in front of a camera, Georgetown University professor Michael Eric Dyson, appearing on NBC's Meet the Press Sunday, accused Republicans of exploiting "racist elements" in the society. Fortunately for viewers, the lone conservative on the panel, National Review editor Rich Lowry, pushed back against this nonsense (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Searching In Vain for the Perfect Candidate

November 22nd, 2011 8:30 AM
Now it's Newt's turn. Having risen to the top in some opinion polls, the former speaker of the House is taking heat for large consulting fees paid to him by the government-sponsored mortgage company Freddie Mac for wisdom a New York Times editorial said was so simplistic it might have come from a fortune cookie. As Republican presidential candidates rise only to fall when their imperfections…

Actual HuffPo Headline: 'Michele Bachmann Pours Water For Men At GOP P

November 21st, 2011 10:08 PM
Are there no limits to where leftwing media members will go to bash Republicans? On Monday, the Huffington Post actually published a front page article with the headline, "Michele Bachmann Pours Water For Men At GOP Primary Forum In Iowa":

Cain's Taliban 'Gaffe' Refuted by Cain Spokesman and Mere Minutes of I

November 19th, 2011 10:12 AM
Oops, he supposedly did it again. Herman Cain, the GOP presidential candidate who has experience as a rocket scientist on his resume, made another allegedly "stupid" remark. Why, if you buy the press's accounts of his statements, it's hard to believe the guy can dress himself in the morning without hanging his pants over his head and putting his socks on his hands. Here's what Cain said that…

WaPo's Henneberger Delighted That 'Princess' Pelosi 'Standing Her Grou

November 18th, 2011 12:22 PM
Washington Post staff writer Melinda Henneberger -- who has admitted to having a "longtime political crush" on the late Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.) -- authored a puffy Style section front-pager today entitled "'Princess' Pelosi standing her ground." "House leader responds to Cain, vows to do 'for child care what we did for health care,'" notes the print edition's subheader to the 19-paragraph…

Big Three Networks Devote a Scant 36 Seconds to Obama's 'Lazy' Gaffe

November 17th, 2011 4:45 PM
According to Politico, Barack Obama's "lazy" gaffe is "catching fire," but you wouldn't know that if you got your news from the major networks. The President's remark, made at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation conference in Hawaii on November 12, that "We've been a little bit lazy" in attracting "new business into America" received a grand total of just 36 seconds on the Big Three (ABC, CBS…

Sharpton Slams Cain For Calling 'Cuban' A Language—Ignores Obama Did

November 16th, 2011 10:46 PM
Say, Al Sharpton: if Herman Cain lacks "intelligence" for colloquially referring to "Cuban" as a language, how about Barack Obama . . . who did precisely the same thing when it came to "Austrian"? On his MSNBC show tonight, Sharpton mocked Cain for asking in an aside while munching on a Cuban delicacy during a campaign stop: "how do you say 'delicious' in Cuban?" Does Sharpton not know that…

CNN 'Developing Story': 'Is Cain the Anti-Women Candidate

November 16th, 2011 5:53 PM
Seeking to breathe new life into the political damage of unproven sexual harassment charges against him, CNN's Lisa Sylvester presented viewers with a "developing story" in the 4 p.m. hour of The Situation Room entitled "Is Cain the Anti-Women Candidate?" Sylvester glommed onto "recent controversial comments" Cain has made, such as referring to former Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) as "…

NBC Hypes Cain's Pause on Libya as 'Disqualifying Moment,' Dismisses O

November 16th, 2011 11:46 AM
On Wednesday's NBC Today, co-host Ann Curry asked chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd about Herman Cain's long pause when answering a question about Libya: "How much do you think this new video is expected to add to Herman Cain's current slip already in the polls?" Todd proclaimed: "I think it's close to being the disqualifying moment for his campaign." In a prior report,…

Bozell Column: NPR vs. 'Minstrel' Cain

November 15th, 2011 10:46 PM
National Public Radio proved a long time ago it disdains black conservatives. Remember when NPR’s Nina Totenberg launched the unproven sex-harassment charges against Clarence Thomas? NPR doesn’t even like black liberals who appear on Fox News: they canned Juan Williams. The sex-harassment charges against Herman Cain aren’t ruining him quickly as the media hoped, so on November 11, NPR viciously…

Elisabeth Hasselbeck Mocks Bill Maher: 'You're So Brilliant - I Actual

November 15th, 2011 8:01 PM
As you've probably heard by now, Bill Maher got quite an unfriendly welcome from Elisabeth Hasselbeck on Tuesday's The View. The best part that largely went overlooked was when the host of HBO's Real Time predictably disparaged the intelligence of Republicans only to be quickly mocked by the female foe to his left who countered, "You’re so brilliant. Wow, I actually feel smarter sitting next…

Networks Pounce on 'Awkward' Herman Cain Moment, Question His 'Grasp

November 15th, 2011 12:02 PM
All three morning shows on Tuesday and the evening newscasts on Monday pounced on an "awkward" Herman Cain interview that questioned the Republican's "readiness to be commander in chief." Combined, the programs offered 11 segments on the subject. The same networks have yet to investigate Barack Obama's arrogant assertion that America has gotten "lazy" in regard to foreign investments. Good…