George Pataki

Salon Writer: ‘Bad-Faith Criticisms of Liberalism’ Led to Trump
October 28th, 2016 10:12 AM
Some left-wing pundits, anticipating that Donald Trump will lose on November 8, are pre-emptively trying to make sure that conservatives take the blame for Trump’s nomination. Gary Legum of Salon argued that right-wing news outlets “have both spent the better part of the Obama administration pushing the exact silly demagoguery and conspiracy theories that riled up the conservative base and…

CNN Hounds Pataki on Cruz: Didn't He 'Smear' 'Regular New Yorkers'?
January 19th, 2016 2:50 PM
CNN's Alisyn Camerota pressed former New York Governor George Pataki on Tuesday's New Day over Ted Cruz's "New York values" attack on Donald Trump. Camerota noted how Pataki asserted that Cruz "was obviously referring to the liberal values of New York politicians," but wondered, "Wasn't he also talking about...regular New Yorkers?" When the Republican politician denied this was the case, the…

NBC Giving Equal Time to Trump's GOP Opponents After He Hosted 'SNL'
November 20th, 2015 5:34 PM
After GOP businessman Donald Trump hosted an episode of NBC's long-running Saturday Night Live program -- which drew the show's highest ratings in four years -- the network has decided to give other Republican presidential candidates “equal time” to match the 12 minutes Trump appeared during the Nov. 7 edition of the show.
According to an article posted by Dylan Byers on the CNNMoney website,…
CNBC’s Harwood Declares Obama’s Economy Is ‘Strongest in the World'
October 28th, 2015 7:24 PM
Continuing to come unhinged and flash his liberal colors in the first CNBC Republican presidential debate on Wednesday, co-moderator John Harwood pontificated that President Obama has made the United States economy “the strongest in the world.”

Pataki Slams Planned Parenthood's 'Callous Disregard for Humanity'
July 31st, 2015 5:38 PM
Appearing as a guest on Friday's New Day on CNN, GOP presidential candidate George Pataki -- who is known for generally supporting the legality of abortion -- charged that Planned Parenthood has shown a "callous disregard for humanity and people's sensibilities," as he responded to the undercover videos showing employees discussing the sale of body parts from aborted babies. The former New York…

CNN's Cuomo Wonders If GOP is 'Playing Politics...With the Troops'
May 21st, 2015 5:03 PM
On Thursday's New Day, CNN's Chris Cuomo wondered if some in the 2016 Republican presidential field might be making the possible redeployment of U.S. troops into Iraq a political issue. When GOP strategist Kevin Madden underlined that "so many Republicans disagree with the President's [Obama's] approach on combating ISIS that so many of these candidates are going to want to draw as stark a…

MSNBC's Roberts: Bush Still to Blame for Iraq Turmoil
May 21st, 2015 9:16 AM
Thomas Roberts didn’t stray an inch away from the liberal media narrative about conservative difficulties with Iraq War questions. On the May 20 edition of MSNBC Live, the host interviewed potential 2016 candidate and former New York governor George Pataki on the subject.

CNN’s Borger Slams Giuliani for ‘Hateful’ Comments, ‘Hijacked’ Debate
February 23rd, 2015 12:01 PM
On Sunday’s State of the Union, CNN’s Gloria Borger hosted three prominent Republican politicians to discuss the ongoing debate surrounding Rudy Giuliani and his suggestion that President Obama doesn’t love America. Throughout the combative segment, Borger hit the former New York City mayor for his “hateful” comments and went so far as to claim that he “kind of hijacked the conversation in a…

When Gotcha Goes Horribly Wrong: Pataki Swats Back at MSNBC's O'Donnel
October 23rd, 2012 5:05 PM
How about that, it was actually mentioned on MSNBC last night that President Obama responded to the deadly attack on the US consulate in Benghazi ... by winging to a fundraising "jaunt" in Vegas the following day.
Of course, the awkward fact that Obama did this wasn't cited by one of his innumerable apologists at America's cable version of Pravda. Instead, it came from a Republican acting as…

Bozell Column: Republicans, Torn Apart In Factions
August 28th, 2012 11:00 PM
The Republican convention was delayed by a day on Monday. It’s not a problem: the national media’s pre-convention spin was timed perfectly, almost as if it was on automatic pilot. In Monday’s New York Times, longtime political writer Adam Nagourney regurgitated the same old, tired political spin that the Republican Party is too conservative and exclusionary on “social issues,” and that their…

Former Gov. Pataki Takes on MSNBC's Barnicle on His Strange Tax Math
July 8th, 2011 5:02 PM
MSNBC Morning Joe contributor Mike Barnicle repeated the Democrat mantra that repealing Republican tax cuts doesn't constitute a tax increase that he also spouted yesterday on Morning Joe. "The idea that reverting back to a tax rate that existed that people paid into, calling it now a tax increase, I just think that's politics at its worst," said Barnicle.
Rick Sanchez to Pataki: Did Your Opposition to Mosque Lead to Koran Bu
September 9th, 2010 4:47 PM
On Wednesday's Rick's List, CNN's Rick Sanchez tried to connect the overwhelming opposition to the planned Ground Zero mosque to a Florida pastor's "Burn a Koran Day" event. Sanchez asked former New York Governor George Pataki, "Do you feel in any way that some of this backlash...led by some fine gentlemen like yourself...has kind of paved the way for that controversy, and if so, do you feel…
Pataki Smacks Down Matthews: You Bash Limbaugh, How About Olbermann
August 25th, 2010 10:13 PM
Former New York Governor George Pataki on Wednesday got into a heated discussion with Chris Matthews over the Ground Zero mosque and the Republican opposition to it.In the middle of his second "Hardball" segment on MSNBC, Matthews played a clip of Rush Limbaugh saying on the radio earlier in the day, "If this is a nation that is Islamophobic, how do we elect a man whose name is Barack Hussein…
Rick Sanchez: Investigate Vatican, Mormons' Funding as Well as NYC Mos
August 11th, 2010 4:03 PM
CNN's Rick Sanchez bizarrely wondered on Tuesday's Rick List whether investigating the funding behind the planned mosque near Ground Zero would lead to investigations into Catholic and/or Mormon funding: "If you start going into who is giving've got to go to Rome and start asking where the money is going into Rome....and you have to go the Mormons and ask...what are they doing with…