
New CBS Drama Recycles Feminist Talking Points While Attacking ICE

February 7th, 2020 12:54 AM
A fearless gay feminist leader taking on a world of bad men? Check.  An angelic child who may be separated from her mother because of Immigration and Customs Enforcement? Check. At this point, Hollywood is not even writing network television scripts. They are just taking old ones out of the recycling bin. 

Cuomo Dipping Toe In '16 Water With Star-Studded Hurricane Sandy PSA

November 28th, 2012 8:32 AM
Throughout his tenure as Governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo has chosen to maintain a surprisingly low profile.  Think quick: how much footage have you seen of him in the Hurricane Sandy aftermath compared to his cross-George Washington Bridge buddy, Chris Christie? But has Cuomo finally decided the time has come to make himself more visible?  A PSA for Hurricane Sandy relief, aired on…