
Medios en español fomentan alardeo de Biden a hispanos

January 28th, 2021 5:28 PM

Los medios de comunicación en español están promoviendo, en diversos grados, el intento más descarado hasta el momento del equipo de Biden por embelesar a los hispanos; anunciando la colocación prominente de un busto de bronce de César Chávez dentro del Despacho Oval,  como si fuera un acontecimiento histórico. Con tal descaro, también se toman la libertad de darle un lavado de cara al legado…


Spanish Nets Enable Biden Hispandering With Chavez Bust In Oval Office

January 28th, 2021 2:32 PM

Spanish-language media have, to varying degrees, acclaimed Team Biden’s most overt pander to Hispanics yet- the prominent placement of a bronze bust of César Chávez within the Oval Office- as a historic event of great significance. And in enabling this blatant pander, they have also abetted a historical whitewash of Chavez’ mixed legacy. 

Politics of Immigration

January 16th, 2019 6:07 PM
Here are a couple of easy immigration questions -- answerable with a simple “yes” or “no” -- we might ask any American of any political stripe: Does everyone in the world have a right to live in the U.S.? Do the American people have a right, through their elected representatives, to decide who has the right to immigrate to their country and under what conditions? I believe that most Americans,…

New ‘Chávez’ Movie Avoids Immigration, But Left Still Use It to P

March 28th, 2014 3:15 PM
When millions treat César Chávez as a hero, it is easy to twist his story to promote an agenda. Liberals are using the popularity of the Latino cultural leader, via the new “Cesar Chavez” movie, to push amnesty for immigrants. The film, which was released March 28, almost completely ignored the debate over immigration. This didn’t stop many liberals, including the director and lead actress,…

Media Ignore César Chávez’s Opposition to Illegal Immigration, Rac

March 27th, 2014 1:45 PM
Rather than dismissing his contrary views as sour grapes, the media simply ignore César Chávez’s opinions that stray from liberal orthodoxy. Chávez was a 1960s and 70s union leader who promoted unionization and Californian farm workers’ strikes. The farm workers of the time were predominantly Latino. He is particularly famous for the Delano grape strike: a five-year strike and boycott against…

ABC's Flub: Ahmadinejad Meets 'Cesar Chavez' in Latin America

February 1st, 2012 3:02 AM
A few years ago, when FNC's Fox and Friends substitute co-anchor Peter Johnson, Jr., accidentally referred to left-wing Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez as "Cesar Chavez," the famous American labor and civil rights activist, the flub received attention from some of FNC's left-wing critics, even though the FNC host corrected himself moments later. But Tuesday's World News on ABC demonstrates…