Carol Browner
Throw Carol Browner Under the Bus
November 15th, 2010 8:37 AM
Energy czar Carol Browner needs to go the way of disgraced green jobs czar Van Jones: under the bus and stripped of her unbridled power to destroy jobs and lives in the name of saving the planet. ASAP.
One of the Beltway's most influential, entrenched and unaccountable left-wing radicals, Browner has now been called out twice by President Obama's own federal BP oil spill commission and…

WaPo Buries, NYT Print Edition Ignores Govt. Investigation Finding Oba
November 11th, 2010 7:18 PM
During the Bush administration, the media made much of political appointees supposedly editing and otherwise interfering with the integrity of the work of career federal government scientists, particularly on studies pertaining to global warming/climate change.
Well now the Associated Press is reporting that an inspector general's report from the Interior Department released yesterday found…

WaPo Hails Obama's 'Zest for Inquiry,' This 'Probing, Cerebral' Presid
October 15th, 2010 4:38 PM
It’s not every day that a front-page Washington Post report has copy that can be mocked as “Auditioning to Be the Next Obama Girl.” (That is, unless you count Eli “Obama's Chiseled Pectorals” Saslow.) James Taranto of The Wall Street Journal designated this florid passage for that title, from a sprawling 5,355-word Wednesday front-page article by reporters Michael Leahy and Juliet Eilperin.…
Al Gore Complains about Global Warming Media Coverage; Blasts The Wall
August 11th, 2010 8:37 AM
No matter what happens, even surrounding his personal life or his pet cause global warming, former Vice President Al Gore just isn't going away. During an Aug. 10 conference call, Gore launched into a critique of the media's recent coverage of ClimateGate, specifically blogs, talk radio and "biased right-wing media." "Well I believe Mark Twain often gets the credit for the saying ... that a…
CBS’s Smith: ‘How Overdue’ Are Fuel Emissions Standards
May 19th, 2009 12:03 PM
While reporting on the Obama administration’s plan to impose higher fuel standards on cars and trucks on Tuesday’s CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith asked Obama environmental advisor Carol Browner: "As a former long-time administrator of the EPA, how overdue is this?" Browner replied: "It is long overdue. You know, Congress stood in the way of tougher fuel economy standards for a long time.…
Obama 'Shifting Power From Traditional Cabinet Posts'; Will Media Comp
January 25th, 2009 1:19 PM
I guess President Josiah Bartlet, the mythical president in The West Wing television series, would have been pleased. Jonathan Martin at reports that the Obama Administration is concentrating lots of power at the top (bolds are mine):West Wing on steroids in Obama W.H. President Barack Obama is taking far-reaching steps to centralize decision-making inside the White House,…
Hysterical Hansen Hype: Obama 'Has Four Years to Save Earth
January 18th, 2009 10:30 AM
This is a hopefully good news, bad news post.First, the bad news: James Hansen, head of NASA's the Goddard Institute of Space Studies is still bloviating about the catastrophes that await us because of what yours truly and others refer to as globaloney (the belief that the earth is dangerously warming, that human activity is the cause of the warming, and that radical steps that would cause huge…
Olbermann Omits Key Points from Center for American Progress Report to
January 15th, 2009 12:38 PM
He's reviled by the left for carrying the water in the U.S. Senate for those who are skeptical of manmade global warming - and that may have been enough to put him over the top for MSNBC's Keith Olbermann's "Worst Person in the World" award. On the Jan. 14 broadcast of MSNBC's "Countdown with Keith Olbermann," Olbermann cited an appearance by Inhofe on Fox News' Jan. 14 "America's Newsroom" with…
Obama's Proposed Energy Czar Scrubbed From Socialist Website
January 8th, 2009 3:32 PM
When president-elect Barack Obama appointed Carol Browner to be his "energy czar" back in December, the conservative blogosphere was buzzing about her being a member of Socialist International, "the worldwide organisation of social democratic, socialist and labour parties."At the time, she was fourth on the website's list of members in the "Commission for a Sustainable World Society." Not any…
GMA Hails Obama's 'Green Dream Team
December 14th, 2008 9:25 AM
An environmentalist's dream might be a businessman's nightmare. But when it came to describing the the environmental team Pres.-elect Obama has assembled, it was sugar plum fairies for GMA this morning. Rachel Martin, who came to ABC from NPR, narrated the segment.RACHEL MARTIN: They are calling it the "Green Dream Team." Which invites the obvious question: who's "they," kimosabe? Running…
Kernen: Energy Czar Browner is 'Scary' during 'Once in a Lifetime Rece
December 11th, 2008 1:36 PM
President-elect Barack Obama named Carol Browner the "czar" of climate and energy policy for the White House, but CNBC's Joe Kernen was wary of her appointment. "You can see that even in Europe, some of the climate concerns, given this, this once in a lifetime recession, John - to put someone that, an advocate of such strong measures," Kernen said on "Squawk Box" Dec. 11. "Really I've seen her…