Andrew Greeley

NY Times Buries Eric Holder Meeting with Journalists, Puts Liberal Pri
June 1st, 2013 7:07 AM
The New York Times may have rebuffed Attorney General Eric Holder’s off-the-record meeting with journalists about leak investigations, but they displayed how they really weren’t angry by burying an actual account of that meeting inside Friday’s paper, while the front page carried stories like “A New Step in Wrestling With the Bra.”
Perhaps the most surprising judgment of what was front page-…
Chgo Sun-Times Greeley: Racism Will Make Obama Lose
October 30th, 2008 7:22 AM
In the Chicago Sun-Times on October 29, Andrew Greeley said that Barack Obama simply cannot beat racism to become president of the United States. He's consumed by all the talk of racism during this campaign and he sees it everywhere he turns. Of course, Greeley is right. There is a lot of talk of racism. But he isn't right about where it's coming from. You see, Greeley is claiming that racism is…
Greeley IDs The Bad Guys: Veterans, Crackers, Sox Fans
August 20th, 2008 10:06 AM
Andrew Greeley's column in today's Chicago Sun-Times is "American warmongers excel at talking a good game." Greeley's writings are often unintentionally amusing, filled with the sort of kneejerk liberalism we'd expect from a Barack Obama contributor. This morning's article is typically hilarious:
Chgo Sun-Times: Now Greeley Says It's Racist Not to Vote Obama
June 11th, 2008 6:27 PM
Apparently, the Chicago media have decided that the meme for the 2008 general election is going to be that anyone who doesn't vote for Barack Obama is a racist because this is the second editorial (that I've seen, anyway) in Chicago stating such a theory. Last week the Daily Herald voiced the assumption and this week it's the Sun-Times with the volatile Andrew Greeley taking up the cause of…