Alex Trebek

Glenn Beck Hammers Chris Matthews for Mocking Palin Before Losing on
May 16th, 2012 12:46 AM
As NewsBusters reported, MSNBC's Chris Matthews totally struck out on Jeopardy! Monday night after repeatedly mocking former Alaska governor Sarah Palin for how she would do if she ever went on the show.
For your entertainment pleasure, the following is a video of conservative talk radio host Glenn Beck and his sidekicks excoriating the Hardball host for his delicious bout with instant karma:

On Jeopardy, Chris Matthews Ludicrously Claims He Finds Facts First, T
May 15th, 2012 2:54 AM
What is a ludicrous answer for $800? The response from Chris Matthews when a naive Alex Trebek asked him on Jeopardy!: “Do you approach it from the point of view of I have an opinion about the subject that’s going to be discussed today, or you have your researchers look into that subject and then form an opinion?”
Matthews, host of MSNBC’s Hardball where he consistently spews left-wing views…

Chris Matthews Bombs on 'Jeopardy!' After Repeatedly Mocking Palin for
May 15th, 2012 1:07 AM
On at least four occasions, MSNBC's Chris Matthews mocked Sarah Palin for how he felt she'd do if she were ever on the hit television game show Jeopardy!.
In a delicious example of instant karma, the self-proclaimed brainiac got his chance to show America how smart he was in a special "Power Players" version of the show Monday, but came up quite short finishing dead last with the paltry sum…

Liberal Propaganda for $300: 'Jeopardy' Sells Out to Democrats
May 10th, 2012 12:57 PM
Does Alex Trebek owe Republicans equal time on his Jeopardy! game show? Answer: Yes, the show has become overrun by Democratic politicians and is only going to get even more politically imbalanced in the days to come.
Last week and this week, the popular game show, in which contestants are given clues and must provide the answer in the form of a question, has been presenting its annual "Teen…

Jeopardy Contestants Can't Identify Picture of MSNBC's Rachel Maddow
January 26th, 2012 10:52 PM
The folks at MSNBC aren't going to be happy about this.
During Thursday's televised game show Jeopardy, none of the contestants could identify Rachel Maddow even when a picture of her was shown to them (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):
Pot Smoker Cheech Marin Beats Anderson Cooper on Jeopardy
March 19th, 2010 9:07 AM
Although he did far better than his colleagues Wolf Blitzer and Soledad O'Brien, CNN's Anderson Cooper actually lost to famed pot smoker Cheech Marin on Celebrity Jeopardy Thursday.
"That's right, I lost to Cheech Marin," Cooper told his 360 viewers last night.
"Cheech of 'Cheech and Chong' fame, pot-smoking star of blunt-burning films like 'Up in Smoke,' 'Next Smoke' and 'Still Smoking,'"…
Wolf Blitzer Loses on Jeopardy to a Comedian and an Actress
September 18th, 2009 5:44 PM
It's bad enough to come in last place on any game show, but when you're one of the top personalities of a cable news channel who gets absolutely demolished by a comedian and an actress, you might want to rethink your career.
On Thursday's Jeopardy Million Dollar Celebrity Invitational, CNN's Wolf Blitzer was matched up against comedian Andy Richter and Emmy-winning actress Dana Delaney.…
I'll Take Dumb Bush Jokes for $500, Alex
May 20th, 2009 9:31 PM
As has been documented repeatedly, celebrities just don't find much material for humor with Barack Obama. He's just so thoughtful, so articulate, so bright, so. . . Fill in the blank, as long as it's sufficiently worshipful.With former President George W. Bush, it's just the opposite. Show biz types can't get enough of poking fun at him. This is true even at the National Geographic Bee. Yes…