Aaron Sorkin

The Newsroom Concludes Season with More Tea Party Bashing: Calls Them
August 27th, 2012 3:43 PM
Despite mediocre ratings and a multitude of unenthusiastic reviews, HBO renewed The Newsroom for a second season after its first two episodes. The commercial-free premium cable network with a penchant for some of the most unabashed forms of liberalism must've really liked Newsroom’s topical, politically-slanted subject material, and anti-American sentiment. [See video below. MP3 audio here…

Sorkin's 'Newsroom' Attacks Women, Gay Republicans
July 30th, 2012 12:05 PM
Last night's episode of Aaron Sorkin's The Newsroom was hilariously titled, "Bullies." Unfortunately for HBO, the humor was due to the program's seemingly endless hypocrisy and not because there was anything remotely funny in the dialogue of the episode itself.
Lauded as a ground-breaking show by much of the liberal media, The Newsroom really jumped the shark this week by trying to paint…
HBO's 'Newsroom' Cherry-Picks Soros-Funded Think Progress Video to Sme
July 23rd, 2012 9:35 PM
As NewsBusters previously reported, HBO's The Newsroom has used information for its scripts from material provided to it by the far-left, George Soros-funded propaganda outlet Think Progress.
On Sunday, the show cherry-picked six seconds - yes, I said six seconds! - from a highly-edited TP video to smear conservative businessmen Charles and David Koch (video follows with transcript and…

Sorkin's Newsroom Target Scott Walker, Citizens United
July 23rd, 2012 11:58 AM
Over the previous four episodes, Aaron Sorkin's The Newsroom has become the liberal media's Sunday night darling. So, after the July 15th offering, which featured fictional news anchor Will MacAvoy comparing Tea Party members to sex offenders, a little conservative-bashing was expected. The July 22 episode did not disappoint, with the team at "Atlantic Cable News" delving into the Citizen's…

Sorkin's Newsroom Compares 'Lying' Republicans to Sex Offenders
July 16th, 2012 12:47 PM
HBO's The Newsroom continued its anti-GOP streak Sunday evening with its fourth episode, "I'll Try to Fix You." While previous installments of Aaron Sorkin's latest series have been markedly anti-GOP, last night's offering was probably the most delirious. Self-righteous cable news anchor Will MacAvoy, played by Jeff Daniels, set his sights on gun owners, going so far as to compare politicians…

Howard Kurtz Thrilled With Aaron Sorkin 'Using My Reputation to Valida
July 15th, 2012 8:33 PM
As NewsBusters previously reported, CNN's Howard Kurtz was respectfully mentioned in last week's Tea Party-bashing episode of HBO's The Newsroom.
On Sunday's Reliable Sources, despite having called Aaron Sorkin's new series a "crackup" and a "snooze," the host was quite pleased with having his reputation used to validate a program he had previously panned (video follows with transcript and…

HBO's Tea Party-Bashing 'Newsroom' Writer Thanks Think Progress for 'V
July 12th, 2012 5:14 PM
As NewsBusters previously reported, this past Sunday's Tea Party-bashing episode of HBO's The Newsroom featured a lead character prominently mentioning the far-left, George Soros-funded propaganda organization Think Progress.
On Monday, the co-author of that episode, one Gideon Yago, tweeted his thanks to TP reporter Adam Peck for "reporting and archiving" that was "vital to the research we…

HBO's 'Newsroom' Becomes MSNBC: Trashes Tea Party, Compares Bachmann t
July 9th, 2012 10:19 AM
People turning on HBO Sunday evening must have thought they'd accidentally switched channels to MSNBC.
In the third episode of Aaron Sorkin's new drama The Newsroom, those involved in the fictitious cable news network ACN all basically became MSNBC employees mercilessly attacking the Tea Party whilst comparing Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) to the late Joe McCarthy (video follows…

‘Newsroom’ Renewed by HBO Despite Few Viewers, Many Critics
July 5th, 2012 6:41 AM
Despite the fact that few people are watching "The Newsroom," premimum cable channel HBO aseriesnnounced on Tuesday that it has renewed the left-leaning new series for a second season even though only two episodes have been broadcast.
The premiere of the show, which aired on Sunday, June 24, drew a mediocre total of 2.14 million viewers, which included a second airing, as it chronicled the…

CNN's Morgan Repeatedly Raises Sorkin's Anti-America Speech with Guest
July 5th, 2012 1:53 AM
Since liberal producer Aaron Sorkin's HBO series The Newsroom made waves a couple of weeks ago with its infamous speech asserting that America is "not the greatest country in the world anymore," CNN host Piers Morgan has repeatedly brought up this charge with guests on his Piers Morgan Tonight show.
Morgan, who so far has not brought up the speech with any clearly conservative guest who…

Episode Two of Aaron Sorkin's Newsroom: Conservatives Are Stupid and R
July 3rd, 2012 12:40 PM
During the June 24th premiere of Aaron Sorkin's new HBO drama, The Newsroom, viewers were introduced to Will MacAvoy (played by Jeff Daniels), a popular news anchor with scathing opinions about the United States. Episode two continued the liberal talking points, this time portraying conservative opinions on immigration as both racist and stupid.
On the July 1 HBO broadcast, MacAvoy turned to…

Sorkin's 'Newsroom': Angry Liberals Lecturing Americans
June 26th, 2012 12:29 PM
The media have been in a frenzy lately over the Sunday premiere of Aaron Sorkin’s latest show, The Newsroom. Some critics, such as Dan Rather, praised it as a "classic" worth of Citizen Kane. However, many have downplayed the left-wing, anti-American tone of the show's pilot, which includes one liberal lecture after another.
In the opening scene, new anchor Will MacAvoy (portrayed by actor…

Dan Rather Loves 'The Newsroom': It's a 'Classic' Like 'Citizen Kane
June 25th, 2012 4:09 PM
Former CBS News anchor Dan Rather, who ultimately resigned in disgrace for airing an attack piece on George W. Bush using phony documents, loves the new HBO show Newsroom and explained why in a review for Gawker. With no sense of irony, he praised, "I especially liked the emphasis on the necessity of having sources and doing real reporting (maybe not enough emphasis on this to satisfy me.)"…

Even a Liberal Magazine Recognizes Aaron Sorkin's Bias
June 25th, 2012 10:31 AM
Aaron Sorkin leans so far to the left that even the liberal Entertainment Weekly magazine noticed it. In a June 24 online article entitled "10 Signs You're Watching an Aaron Sorkin Show" EW writer Darren Franich broke down the Sorkin formula and spotted a distinct liberal trend in items #3 "Boo! The Evil Corporate Person" and #5 "Conservative Characters Who Aren't Actually Very Conservative…