They’re at it again, folks. Another prominent liberal blogger – this time, Daily Kos alumnus Billmon – has used Photoshop to disparagingly blackface someone. In this case, the proprietor of the Whiskey Bar blog has likened CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer to a minstrel (hat tip to Hot Air, image on the right) all due to the Situation Room host's reference to Lynne Cheney. The following is taken directly from Billmon’s blog entry on October 29:
BLITZER: I have been covering the Cheneys for many years, including on a day-to-day basis when he was the defense secretary during the first Gulf War and I was CNN’s Pentagon correspondent . . . I was surprised when she came out swinging on Friday, surprised . . . at her sniping at my patriotism.
Wolf Blitzer
CNN Late Edition October 29, 2006Translation: Oh Lawdy! Massa's wife so mad she even beatin' on us house slaves now. What dis ol' world comin' to?
Hmmm. So, Wolf Blitzer is now a "house slave". Amazing. Alas, we shouldn’t be shocked by this, as left-wing blogger and fellow Daily Kos alumnus Steve Gilliard had previously posted the following picture of Maryland senatorial candidate Michael Steele:
Makes one wonder what's in the water over at Daily Kos to make the alumni so overtly racist. Of course, lest we not forget the following picture of Joe Lieberman displayed at the Huffington Post by Firedoglake blogger Jane Hamsher. For those that have forgotten, Hamsher was working closely with Kos himself to win Ned Lamont's nomination in Connecticut:
Yes, these folks sure are tolerant, aren’t they?