The word from on high is out at the Democratic Underground. Despite the previous misgivings from many if not most of the DUer's about Hillary Clinton and her massive war chest fattened by crony capitalist and shadowy foreign donations, they must be absorbed by the Hillary Borg. And to emphasize the point, the DU leader and co-founder, Skinner aka David Allen, posted a picture (above) of himself holding a Chipotle burrito and Hillary logo with this message: "So, I had this inexplicable craving for Chipotle today..."
Yes, there are still 8 months left until the caucuses and primaries begin but Skinner has already let his fellow DUers know where his fanboy heart lies. Firmly with Hillary Clinton. To make sure everybody understands that he won't even wait for the debates before making his choice, Skinner already adopted Hillary's hospital-like logo as his avatar.
So how will Skinner convince the DUers to hold their noses and support the same Hillary that most of them have reviled until recently? Well, we already have one Skinner success story. A conversion. However, since the DUer involved is known for his easily malleable mind, perhaps it was not such a difficult task. I am referring to notorious DUer William Rivers Pitt best known to Newsbusters readers for his bizarre violent fantasies and his hatred of Obamacare. Despite his many quirks, it seems to be fairly easy to make Pitt get his "mind right" as happened last month when on March 3 he posted this bitter diatribe about Hillary:
I'm very sorry Hillary Clinton has a sad today.
She voted for the PATRIOT Act.
She voted for the Iraq War Resolution.
She is snuggled up good and tight with organized crime crews like Goldman Sachs that stole our future.
She got the Keystone XL pipeline ball rolling at the State Department.
Personal liberty...unjust war...Wall Street crime...climate change. Gosh, seems to me those are the signal issues of our time...and every chance she's had to cast a vote or exert influence, she's gone in absolutely the wrong direction.
Now, it seems, she's disinterested in following the law when it comes to governmental data collection. A poster here who claims to have worked at State says it's because she's a Luddite working within a calcified bureaucratic technology, and she's just more comfortable with her Yahoo account, or whatever it is.
If the Bush administration had unspooled that line, this place would have erupted. And rightly so. So maybe the trick isn't to try to elect the most "electable" Democrat. As Democrats, maybe the trick is to wrestle this party back from the abyss and rediscover a few DNA-level values.
Like protecting personal liberty...and avoiding unjust war...and holding Wall Street to account...and thwarting climate change.
I'm sorry she has a sad today, but my unavoidable conclusion is that Secretary Clinton - based on her black-letter record - does not strike me as the avatar for that change.
Fast forward just one week to March 10 and Pitt, perhaps greased by copious quantities of Hillary Chipotle sauce, did a complete one-eighty in his attitude:
I am no fan of Hillary Clinton by any means, but I am even less a fan of the "mainstream" news media...and with this email thing, you just have to love how these laggards have managed to go from "Clinton Scandal!" to "Remember The Other Clinton Scandals!" to, now, "Look, The Media Is Back In Clinton-Scandal Mode!"
In essence, they've downshifted so they can report on themselves. Easiest gig in America, and now they get to do it until a year from November. "Wow, look how we do what we do!"
Maybe a cat asleep in a ray of sunlight is lazier than these frauds, but I doubt it.
Unfortunately being absorbed by the Hillary Borg can open yourself up for some hilarious humiliation as Pitt was mercilessly shredded by DUer MADem:
Gee, weren't you one of those people engaging in this very same behavior you are now decrying?
Why yes, you were! You said she "has a sad" and was "disinterested in following the law" (ooops, that was a big fail-wrong) and then you went back into her past in an attempt to smear her with ancient history and "guilt by association" innuendo of the worst sort.
Meanwhile the leadership at the Daily Kos haven't quite yet gone all in for Hillary. They seem to be biding their time for now but we do know that their minimum requirements for assumed loyalty to Hillary would be sushi, shots, and a chocolate fountain at the Stratosphere in Las Vegas as we discovered in 2006 when they enthusiastically embraced bribery.
Exit question: Which is a better way of identifying DUers and KOssacks absorbed by the Hillary Borg? Small leaves growing out of the backs of their necks or Chipotle stains on their clothes?