MSNBC anchor Ed Schultz declared that his patriotism court was in session again on Wednesday and found another conservative guilty. The liberal host repeatedly smeared Michele Bachmann as "anti-American." In several media appearances, the Republican congresswoman insisted that "we predicted" ObamaCare would be a disaster and added, "We hate to say we told you so." This prompted Schultz to fume. "I'm glad to see Michele Bachmann is so happy about a law's problems. I think it's fair to call Michele Bachmann's attitude anti-American." [See video below. MP3 video here.]
Still acting as ObamaCare's chief defender, no matter how many problems develop with the rollout, Schultz excoriated, "Under ObamaCare, people's lives will be saved. It's an absolute. And I think it's fair to say that Michele Bachmann wanting to deny 30 million Americans health care is anti-American."
He reiterated, "I think it's also fair to say, Michele Bachmann wanting a law to fail is anti-American."
Observing that a failing law has failed is "anti-American?"
On October 7, Schultz declared John Boehner guilty of "treason" for his role in the government shutdown.
There used to be a time when liberals deemed dissent patriotic and railed against questioning anyone's patriotism. That period, apparently, is over.
A partial transcript of the November 20 segment is below:
MICHELE BACHMANN: We all look like geniuses now, because we predicted this would happen....We hate to say we told you so.
ED SCHULTZ: Well, apparently the queen of the Tea Party is delighted about ObamaCare's rocky rollout. Congresswoman Michele Bachmann said ObamaCare's problems are the opportunity of a lifetime because liberalism is crumbling right in front of our eyes. I'm glad to see Michele Bachmann is so happy about a law's problem. I think it's fair to call Michele Bachmann's attitude anti-American.
MICHELE BACHMAN [Clip of Bachmann on Hardball from 2008]: The news media should do a penetrating expose and take a look. I wish they could. I wish the American media would take a great look at the views of the people in congress and find out, are they pro America or anti America?
SCHULTZ: Yeah, are they pro-America or anti-America? 30 million Americans will get life-saving health care thanks to ObamaCare. 45,000 Americans die every year because they don't have health care. President Obama and the Democrats created a law that begins to address this travesty. Under ObamaCare, people's lives will be saved. It's an absolute. And I think it's fair to say that Michele Bachmann wanting to deny 30 million Americans health care is anti-American. I think it's also fair to say Michele Bachmann wanting a law to fail is anti-American.