Normally it's guests of late night talk shows that utter vulgarities because the hosts know better.
Such wasn't the case Monday when the Late Show's David Letterman dropped an f-bomb on guest Tom Cruise (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Well into the program, Letterman was chatting with Cruise about having the birds and the bees discussion with their respective sons.
“We had a conversation about dirty words,” Letterman said. “I said, ‘Harry, do you know dirty words?’ And he says, ‘Well, I know the s-word,’ and he says, ‘I know the b-word, and I know the f-word.’”
“And so you hang on, and you say, ‘Okay, what is the s-word?’” continued Letterman. “And he said, ‘Stupid.’ And I said, ‘And what about the b-word,’ and he said, ‘Bad.’ And I said, ‘And the f-word?’ And he said f—k [bleeped].’ Good night, everybody. Good night, everybody.”
Stay classy, Dave!