Letterman's Post-Election Obama Ad: ‘Hey Clint – F—k You!’

November 9th, 2012 9:22 AM

David Letterman took a vulgar swipe at Clint Eastwood Thursday.

During his monologue on CBS's Late Show, the host played a mock post-election Obama commercial featuring an announcer saying, "Hey Clint - f--k you" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

DAVID LETTERMAN: So anyway, they're doing post-election commercials now. And here is President Obama post-election commercial. Very unusual. Watch this.


ANNOUNCER: Hey Clint – f—k [bleeped] you!

BARACK OBAMA: I’m Barack Obama and I approve this message because I believe we’re all in this together.

I'd sure like to see Letterman say that to Clint's face.

Who's with me?