Santorum Strikes Back: 'My 12-Year-Old Will Out-Reason Bill Maher'

March 13th, 2012 9:18 AM

As NewsBusters reported, HBO's Bill Maher on Friday disgracefully claimed Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum homeschools his children to keep them locked up in his "Christian madrassa" where they won't be exposed to knowledge and reason.

On Fox New's Hannity Monday, the former Pennsylvania Senator struck back at the vulgar comedian saying, "My 12-year-old will out-reason Bill Maher" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

SEAN HANNITY, HOST:: Let me ask you about -- and I -- I don't even like asking you, but this has right now become a really important part of the campaign. And the president's been lecturing this country repeatedly about the tone and civility, et cetera, and he lectures everybody, but he takes a million dollars from Bill Maher.

The president -- we played it earlier in the program -- says you can't attack children of presidential candidates or people in politics, which I agree with. But yet Bill Maher, the guy he took a million dollars from, attacked you. And I want to air this tape and get your reaction.


BILL MAHER, HOST, "REAL TIME WITH BILL MAHER": It's no coincidence that the type of tree which God forbade Adam and Eve eating from was the tree of knowledge. Rick Santorum home schools his children because he does not want them eating that (EXPLETIVE DELETED) apple.


MAHER: He wants them locked up in the Christian madrassa that is the family living room, not out in public, where they could be infected by the virus of reason.


HANNITY: All right, and it got worse than that -- Christian madrassa, all of this -- what do you think about the president taking the million dollars, his PAC taking a million dollars from Bill Maher? They have said they will not return the money, but yet they're lecturing the rest of the country on, on discourse and civility?

RICK SANTORUM: It's an absolute double standard. I mean, there isn't a -- there isn't an interview that went by over the last week where I wasn't asked a question about Rush Limbaugh. And yet repeatedly, these, these folks on the left, whether it's Maher or Letterman or you name it, they're out there trashing anybody who stands up for Christian conservative values, anybody who dares to actually teach their children faith in their home.

All of a sudden, if you're instilling faith and teaching them about God in your home, you're a madrassa, according to these folks, and as if reason doesn't take place in the home. Our -- our children will out-reason him -- my 12-year-old will out-reason Bill Maher when it comes to understanding, you know, what, you know, how logic works because he is completely illogical.

They have abandoned not just faith in Bill Maher but they've abandoned reason, too! They are pure emotion! They have absolutely nothing to offer this country. And yet they are -- they jus spew vitriol toward anybody who stands up and argues both faith and reason, which I've done throughout the course of my public career.

I looked forward to debating when I was in the Senate all of those folks on the left. You saw them, Sean! I remember Barbara Boxer. We would be debating bills, and by the end of that debate, she'd be out the door! She wouldn't want to debate with us. Why? Because he were the party of reason!

HANNITY: All right...

SANTORUM: They're -- they -- the left is just a bunch -- spewing a bunch of emotion and trying to incite people and try to cast them down! And we're going stand up for the things that made this country great, and that's science, reason and faith. All of those have a role in the public square.

As NewsBusters reported Saturday, homeschooled children perform far better in school and lead more productive lives than the average public educated person in this country.

As such, most of them would out-reason Maher.

Bravo, Senator! Bravo!