Wonkette Pulls Offensive Post About Sarah Palin's Handicapped Son

April 21st, 2011 4:43 PM

As NewsBusters reported Wednesday, the liberal website Wonkette published a truly disgraceful piece earlier in the week about Sarah Palin's Down's syndrome son Trig.

Under intense pressure from readers and advertisers, the site's editor took the post down Thursday:

A post on this page satirizing Sarah Palin using her baby as a political prop was very badly done and sounded like the author was mocking the child and not just Sarah Palin/Sarah Palin’s followers.

The writer, Jack Stuef, has apologized for it. And we have decided to remove the post as requested by some people who have nothing to do with Sarah Palin, but who do have an interest in the cause of special needs children. We apologize for the poor comedic judgment.

After our article and others from conservative as well as liberal websites expressed outrage for the now deleted post, pressure was put on Wonkette editor Ken Layne by some unlikely sources including Mediaite's Tommy Christopher and Slate's David Weigel.

When Layne unrelented, companies such as Papa John's Pizza, Huggies, Nordstrom, and others cancelled their ads.

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Maybe this will finally teach these vulgarians that children shouldn't be used as pawns in this dirty game of politics.