UPDATE AT END OF POST: Ann Coulter agrees!
Lawrence O'Donnell on Monday made a prediction that most who hadn't heard of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker until a week ago might find astonishing.
On MSNBC's "The Last Word," the host told his perilously liberal guest Ezra Klein that if Walker's budget repair plan goes through, "He would instantaneously become the greatest hero in the Republican Party nationwide, I think would go to the top of Republicans' lists for possible presidential nominees in the upcoming election" (video follows with transcript and commentary):
LAWRENCE O’DONNELL, HOST: Ezra, it seems to me his,his personal and political ambition is served by trying to get the full deal. If he were actually to get this thing through and get his Republican senators a chance to vote on it, he would instantaneously become the greatest hero in the Republican Party nationwide, I think would go to the top of Republicans' lists for possible presidential nominees in the upcoming election because I don’t think there’s an accomplishment quite like this out there that any other Republican can point to that would thrill the Republican base as much as this.
EZRA KLEIN, WASHINGTON POST: He’d become a hero. I don’t know if he has enough time to go for 2012. But you know, Chris Christie’s become a very prominent Republican in part through some very well-publicized showdowns with union employees and union members at essentially press conferences. Walker is being able to do something he didn’t even dream of.
With no one emerging as the presumptive favorite, and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie who could fit that role claiming he's not ready, O'Donnell could be quite prescient in his observation.
As I sat there watching Walker's press conference last Friday, I was struck by his calm and obviously intelligent manner. With all the attention he's currently getting, a victory here could indeed catapult him to national prominence.
Consider, too, that President Obama, the Democrat Party, and all their media minions are now fully engaged in this battle.
If when this is all over, Walker is the man left standing, he will be perceived as the David that slew the entire left-wing machine in our nation.
As O'Donnell correctly observed, is there anyone else in the Republican Party today with those credentials?
With this in mind, it is a metaphysical certitude the Left and their willing accomplices in the press are going to pull out all the stops to defeat Walker's budget repair plan, for O'Donnell surely isn't the only liberal media member recognizing the Wisconsin governor's potential invincibility if his stone hits its mark.
*****Update: Ann Coulter responded to my request for her opinion regarding O'Donnell's prediction saying, "I agree -- let's have a battle of the governors in budget cutting!"
Obviously, she's referring to her "love" of Christie.
Good point, though. Certainly would be a change to have presidential candidates trying to out-cut each other rather than out-spend!