Maureen Dowd Bashes GOP Women and Rand Paul in Piece About Rolling Stones Guitarist

October 27th, 2010 10:40 AM

New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd on Wednesday continued her attack on "GOP Mean Girls" this time doing so in an article about - Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards?

It’s the Year of the Woman, all right. In a bad way. Some of the women running in high-profile races are not my cup of Tea. And some of the male candidates could be part of the Little Rascals’ He-Man, Woman-Haters Club.

The misogyny reached its zenith outside a Rand Paul debate in Lexington, Ky., on Monday night when a group of Tea Party toughs roughed up a woman from because she wouldn’t move on.

One man, wearing a “Don’t Tread on Me” button, ripped off her wig and wrestled her to the ground with the help of another man, and a third Paul volunteer stamped his foot on her shoulder when she was down.

And this is how she began an article about:

In a campaign season when many men — and women — are taking harsh stances that could hurt women, a chivalrous voice has at last arrived.

Oddly enough, it belongs to a renegade pirate whose motto is “Keep it dark”: Keith Richards.

The rest of the piece was exclusively about Richards with no other mention of politics.

Do you need to know anything more about Dowd's hatred for conservatives than her visaging demons on the right when talking about a rock legend?

Of course, it is only four days before Halloween.