Wrapping up a preview of his day with President Barack Obama for
Thursday's Nightline, live from Cleveland ABC's Terry Moran informed World News anchor Charles Gibson:
I also took the opportunity at this juncture to ask Mr. Obama about how the presidency is affecting and shaping his spiritual life, and he said, Charlie, that before he was elected, he had a habit of praying every night, but that now he prays all the time.
That earned a grin from Gibson. From the
online transcript of the July 23 interview:
TERRY MORAN: As you know there's a lot of curiosity about you and what you do, what you wear, all these things. And where you worship. If I may ask, how has -- how have the responsibilities of the presidency affected your spiritual life, if at all?
PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well, I had a habit of praying every night before I go to bed. I pray all the time now (laughter)...
ABCNews.com home page headline plugging the interview screams:
EXCLUSIVE: Obama Warns Against 'Scare Tactics' on Health Care