MSNBC Hypes Obscure Australian Senator Calling Trump 'A Disaster For Humanity'

February 11th, 2025 2:22 PM

MSNBC’s Katy Tur erased any distinction that exists between journalism and liberal fan service on Monday when she closed out her show with a clip of an Australian senator from a minor party calling President Donald Trump “a disaster for humanity” who is pushing the U.S. towards “fascism.”

Tur introduced the clip by pretending she was just giving a global perspective on what different people think about Trump, “All right, around the world, people are reacting to Donald Trump and his first few weeks in office. Here's one reaction from an Australian senator and member of the Australian Greens Party. His name is Nick McKim, and he issued something of a warning. Let's listen.”



MSNBC would never find some obscure politician from a party in a foreign country that is neither the majority nor the main opposition and hype their anti-Biden diatribe or even pro-Trump speech.

Nevertheless, in the clip, McKim sounded like he was auditioning for a primetime show on MSNBC, “The United States is sliding into fascism under Donald Trump, and it is marginalized communities who are going to pay the price. Black-skinned and brown-skinned people, migrants in the U.S. Women in the U.S., transgender and queer folks in the U.S. They're going to be persecuted, and they're going to be demonized, blamed for all the problems of the day.”

He further doom-mongered, “And you know what else is going to pay the price? Nature is going to pay the price under his drill baby drill policies of destroying nature. Climate is going to pay the price. As we've already seen a withdrawal from global climate action. President Trump is a disaster for humanity. He belongs behind bars, not in the Oval Office.

Tur then closed out the show, “That is going to do it for me today. Deadline: White House starts after this quick break.”

Ultimately, the segment was a perfect encapsulation of the whole situation. McKim proved why his party is nowhere near power, and Tur proved why MSNBC is not a news network, but at least they both got a cheap dopamine hit.

Here is a transcript for the February 10 show:

MSNBC Katy Tur Reports


3:55 PM ET

KATY TUR: All right, around the world, people are reacting to Donald Trump and his first few weeks in office. Here's one reaction from an Australian senator and member of the Australian Greens Party. His name is Nick McKim, and he issued something of a warning. Let's listen.

NICK MCKIM: The United States is sliding into fascism under Donald Trump, and it is marginalized communities who are going to pay the price. Black-skinned and brown-skinned people, migrants in the U.S. Women in the U.S., transgender and queer folks in the U.S. They're going to be persecuted, and they're going to be demonized, blamed for all the problems of the day.

And you know what else is going to pay the price? Nature is going to pay the price under his drill baby drill policies of destroying nature. Climate is going to pay the price. As we've already seen a withdrawal from global climate action. President Trump is a disaster for humanity. He belongs behind bars, not in the Oval Office.

TUR: That is going to do it for me today. Deadline: White House starts after this quick break.