Kevin O'Leary Spurs FURY on CNN As He Points Out Kamala Harris Was Installed

October 26th, 2024 6:54 AM

Our old colleague Alex Hall at caught a hilarious exchange between Shark Tank star Kevin O'Leary and a gaggle of Democrat journalists on CNN's NewsNight with Abby Phillip on Thursday.

He said he was struck by how Biden didn't think Kamala Harris was the correct replacement if he stepped down: "Only 90 days ago, Pelosi went to Biden and said, ‘You need to step aside’ and convinced him to do so. He made the decision, and he did actually ask her, and we’ve now learned this, ‘Is she the right person to drive this home?’ He questioned that. He could have said, ‘We need to run a process in order for me to make this move,’ but they decided not to. I don’t know who ‘they’ is. Was it Obama? Was it Pelosi? I don’t care who it was."

They let O'Leary unspool this -- until he said "This is the second time the Democratic Party has circumvented democracy and chose-"

The was too much for Democrat journalists, who panel erupted with "That's not true. That's not true." It's quite obviously true! You could only quibble that this is the third time in a row this has happened -- Wikileaks revealed the DNC scandalously favored Hillary over Bernie Sanders in 2016, and Barack Obama pressured other candidates out of the race to rejuvenate a flailing Biden in 2020.

But O'Leary just cited 2016, and so it began: 

"Kevin, Hillary Clinton won a primary," Phillip argued.

"Nobody could compete with her!" O'Leary said, raising his voice amid the gurgling crosstalk. "Even Bernie Sanders!"

"She won a primary," Phillip said again.

"So did Kamala Harris win a primary?" O'Leary asked. 

"Listen, we've talked about this before!" Phillips said.

"What's wrong with talking about it tonight after what you just saw?" O'Leary asked, as panelists continued talking.

This is where it became faceplant-funny Washington Post columnist and CNN economics commentator Catherine Rampell said, in all seriousness: "Do you think that’s really what matters to voters? Your whole shtick has been, ‘Let's talk about what happens to voters,’ do you really think voters care about the internecine primary process?"

CNN and the rest of the media suppressed primary challengers to Biden, most notably Rep. Dean Phillips, who ran against Biden primarily to argue he wasn't mentally fit enough to continue! They all actively downplayed it. 

O'Leary cracked back: "If you’re a Democrat, you sure as hell care today."

Then Phillip disparaged O'Leary by announcing "I know that you are from Canada, "but the primary process in this country is not in the Constitution. It’s not in the Constitution. The political parties can choose however they want to choose their nominee, and as long as they meet the legal deadlines in the states where they are on the ballot, they can do it however they want."

The media and the Democrats clearly didn't want a primary process in 2024, and the media helped Pelosi and Obama and the rest force Biden out. These are the "saving democracy" folks!