The View Brags About How Easy It Would Be to Cheat on Their Husbands

October 18th, 2024 5:32 PM

All five of The View cast members present for Friday’s episode were married, but nearly every one of their husbands should consider hiring a private investigator because they spent part of the show bragging about how easy it would be to get away with cheating on them.

Unironically coming after they whined about former President Trump attending a Catholic Charities dinner since he allegedly cheated on his wife Melania, Friday moderator Joy Behar brought up how Martha Stewart recently admitted “she was unfaithful to ex-husband Andrew Stewart for decades.”

Behar essentially argued that men trusting their wives to be faithful somehow meant they were “clueless and egotistical.”

“I say she got away with it because men are so clueless and egotistical, they think no one would ever cheat on them!” Behar proclaimed. “So, a woman could keep a secret better than a man. That’s my opinion.”

 “Oh, 100 percent,” faux conservative Alyssa Farah Griffin blurted out in agreement. Claiming she would “never cheat on him,” Farah Griffin proceeded to explain how she could get away with it:

FARAH GRIFFIN: No. I would preface this to say: My husband is the love of my life, I would never cheat on him, but I could absolutely get away with it! The number of –

BEHAR: How? Tell us, how.

FARAH GRIFFIN: Purchases I’ve made he’ll never know about. I could get a new piece of furniture and it’d take him weeks to notice in our house. I've been in different states and called him and he'd like, “are at home?” Like, completely forgets where I am. Yet, I always know where he I ate that day –

BEHAR: So, he’s clueless.



Interestingly, in January 2023, Farah Griffin told her fellow cast members that she could forgive her husband if he had a drunken one-night stand as long as he didn’t catch feelings for the woman, a comment she doubled down on a month later. In June of that year, she explained how to introduce another lover into a relationship.

Did we mention she’s supposed to be one of the “conservatives” around the table?

Pretend moderate Sara Haines talked about how her husband was so busy, with many things vying for his attention, that he would likely miss all the signs that she was cheating:

I get a haircut and my husband doesn't notice. He's looking at my face. And the other thing is, Max will may coffee – there are days I've come down to the coffee machine and there's no coffee in it, it’s just hot water. Or he’ll leave the pot out and it’s all coffee on the counter. He – Like, if he doesn't finish what he's doing and pay attention he's like a little nutty.

Haines also admitted to trying to manipulate his emotions during arguments and whining about it not working. “I have literally, in fights, have sat there like this going [pretends to scroll on her phone and giggling at the screen], trying to get him to say, like, ‘who are you texting?’ Doesn't care,” she huffed.

The other fake Republican on the set, Ana Navarro opined that women were supposedly better at sniffing out cheaters because they’re “so much more detail oriented. Right? We will notice a stray hair on a jacket. You smell a little weird today. You know, I mean, we'll notice all sorts of things.”

She then touted that her husband Al Cardenas, former head of the American Conservative Union, likely wouldn’t notice her bring a man home while he too was in the house.

“Al, if he's watching football, like if he's watching the Dolphins, I could literally bring a man into the house, have him in his bed, and if the Dolphins win he could probably spend the night and Al wouldn't even know,” she said.

As for Sunny Hostin, she wasn’t so sure she could get away with it. “I have a totally different experience. I mean, I’m married to someone who is very, very exacting and very specific and notices everything,” she noted.

It’s worth recalling The View’s other recent delve into relationship hypocrisy when they took to mocking Trump’s marriage to Melania.

The transcript is below. Click "expand" to read:

ABC’s The View
October 18, 2024
11:23:57 a.m. Eastern

JOY BEHAR: In the new Netflix documentary called Martha Stewart – very original – she confesses that she was unfaithful to ex-husband Andrew Stewart for decades. And – oh, Martha, oh, Martha -- she says it was easy to keep it a secret from him.

I say she got away with it because men are so clueless and egotistical, they think no one would ever cheat on them! So, a woman could keep a secret better than a man. That’s my opinion.

ALYSSA FARAH GRIFFIN: Oh, 100 percent.

BEHAR: Because the guys, they’re like, “oh, she’s not going to do that.”

ANA NAVARRO: Is this your opinion or your experience?

BEHAR: Do I have to go into Spanish again?

FARAH GRIFFIN: No. I would preface this to say: My husband is the love of my life, I would never cheat on him, but I could absolutely get away with it! The number of –

BEHAR: How? Tell us, how.

FARAH GRIFFIN: Purchases I’ve made he’ll never know about. I could get a new piece of furniture and it’d take him weeks to notice in our house. I've been in different states and called him and he'd like, “are at home?” Like, completely forgets where I am. Yet, I always know where he I ate that day –

BEHAR: So, he’s clueless.


SARA HAINES: I get a haircut and my husband doesn't notice. He's looking at my face.

And the other thing is, Max will may coffee – there are days I've come down to the coffee machine and there's no coffee in it, it’s just hot water. Or he’ll leave the pot out and it’s all coffee on the counter. He – Like, if he doesn't finish what he's doing and pay attention he's like a little nutty.

I have literally, in fights, have sat there like this going [pretends to scroll on her phone and giggling at the screen], trying to get him to say, like, “who are you texting?” Doesn't care.


NAVARRO: And you know what? Women are so much more detail oriented. Right? We will notice a stray hair on a jacket.

HAINES: Why are you pointing at me?

NAVARRO: You smell a little weird today. You know, I mean, we'll notice all sorts of things.

Al, if he's watching football, like if he's watching the Dolphins, I could literally bring a man into the house, have him in his bed, and if the Dolphins win he could probably spend the night and Al wouldn't even know.

[Applause and laughter]

SUNNY HOSTIN: I have a totally different experience. I mean, I’m married to someone who is very, very exacting and very specific and notices everything.
