Daily Wire Exposé Reveals ‘Authoritarian’ Culture at a Group Controlling Soros Prosecutors

September 24th, 2024 4:23 PM

Remember that infamous George Soros-backed group exposed by the Media Research Center for controlling race-obsessed Soros-backed prosecutors? A damning new report now accuses them of hypocritically fostering racism within their own office.

The Daily Wire Investigative Reporter Luke Rosiak spoke with Fair and Just Prosecution employees about how their executive director, Miriam Krinsky, reportedly runs the office in an “authoritarian” manner, hypocritically embracing the very tactics and rhetoric in the office that she denounces publicly. The sources accuse Krinsky of being “racist and abusive” in the office, Rosiak reported in a Sept. 20 article.

“The FJP staff’s experience corresponds with what conservatives have long said about the Soros judicial philosophy: that it pushes lax policies against traditional crime but draconian enforcement against critics and political opponents,” Rosiak wrote. The sources’ remarks were damning.

“The workplace culture under Miriam’s leadership is oppressively authoritarian,” an employee affirmed in an interview. “Miriam manipulates a predominantly young, minority staff—exploiting their inexperience and the existing racial dynamics within the organization to tighten her grip on power.”

As cited by Rosiak, the MRC Report detailed how notoriously leftist groups like FJP control and direct prosecutors to implement billionaire George Soros’s anti-police philosophy. Soros has succeeded in electing 126 leftist prosecutors across the country. The MRC acquired nearly 8,000 internal documents demonstrating how FJP and other groups push these Soros-funded prosecutors to sign their petitions, accept their staff recommendations and attend “mandatory” meetings. 

According to Rosiak’s sources, current and former employees are afraid of exposing FJP over retaliatory actions, including wrongful termination and even legal threats. “Disturbingly, the organization has even orchestrated fake wellness checks as a means to weaponize the police—the same police they advocate should be defunded,” Rosiak wrote. 

FJP’s hypocritical attitude—ignoring alleged internal racism while reportedly using police for intimidation—contrasts jarringly with the organization’s fixation on defunding the police. As noted by Rosiak, this hypocrisy is also a microcosm of how the FJP’s pet prosecutors approach justice in their communities, providing leniency to criminals and persecution to normal people and political enemies

FJP is viciously anti-cop. One of FJP’s policy recommendations for its “New Vision For Justice” directly calls for state and local officials to defund their respective police departments and reallocate the resources elsewhere. In addition, FJP has sent celebratory emails at least twelve times after one of their pet prosecutors indicated or convicted a police officer. 

Under Krinsky’s leadership, FJP is now at odds with one of these pet prosecutors. After FJP asked Soros prosecutors to promote their group on social media, DeKalb County District Attorney Sherry Boston, a Soros-backed prosecutor, dutifully followed these instructions, posting a sample tweet nearly verbatim. Rosiak highlighted Krinsky’s subsequent treatment of Boston after the DA  complained about being excluded from a New York City event. 

“Krinsky, who is white, replied by disparaging Boston and saying she was excluded from events because of merit, not race,” Rosiak wrote. “Krinsky appeared to suggest that Boston, a black Democrat, had failed to advance ‘racial justice’ by prosecuting too many crimes.”

Conservatives are under attack! Contact ABC News (818) 460-7477, CBS News (212) 975-3247 and NBC News (212) 664-6192 and demand they report Soros’ connections to radical district attorneys throughout the country.