Whoopi: We Don’t Allow Lies on The View

June 24th, 2024 7:54 PM

On Monday, Whoopi Goldberg had the gall to claim without evidence on ABC’s The View that she and her co-hosts were unbiased. The View, which has been previously caught spreading misinformation, attempted to identify as a source of factual information.

Sunny began the segment by quoting Dan Rather, who was fired by CBS in 2006 for presenting unauthenticated documents in a news report: “Enough with both sides-ism. When one side lies intentionally and repeatedly, they are no longer entitled to the benefit of the doubt.”



Goldberg weighed in saying that a journalist’s main job is to make sure the facts are clear to the people watching. She acknowledged that there are some people that have doubts about networks spreading true information, but she was not one of them.

“The media has pretty much always been fair to each side,” Whoopi drastically professed. She stated there is no bias in The View, “we have to tell you both sides.” But The View has been known to make back-breaking contortions to defend Democrats at any given chance.

Whoopi continued to dig a hole “You all don't think the same way so you want to hear what other people say, but when they're lying, we can't have it.” Her sufficient support for The View being unbiased was because “Alyssa [Farah Griffin]’s here” and “Ana [Navarro]’s here.” Both are ardent Democrats, not just Biden voters.

“We can't allow, on this show, to have things said that we know for a fact are not true” Whoopi confidently asserted despite the numerous times The View has been caught lying. The View, classified as “news” under ABC, was forced to issue three dozen legal notes in 2022 alone.

Whoopi concluded by encouraging the audience to “Demand folk’s fact check what they're telling you because what they’re telling you is important.”

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ABC The View


11:10:03 – 11:11:50


SUNNY HOSTIN: Can I just add one last thing? What was interesting to me is Dan Rather weighed in on X and he said -- he compared our time now to the Nixon era which was a little scary for me, but he said, “Enough with both sides-ism. When one side lies intentionally and repeatedly, they are no longer entitled to the benefit of the doubt.”

WHOOPI GOLDBERG: And we should keep in mind, too, that the people that need to hear this are the people who are running the networks that are okaying this because this idea -- it's like they say to you now, you can only work within this perimeter, but if the facts don't -- if the facts are not clear to people, that was what a journalist was there to do, to say, in fact, this is what went on, and this is how we checked.

Now we all have -- we have been given doubts that people don't know how to do this. The media has pretty much always been fair to each side, and now when we've gone to this place where you only hear this -- see, we have to tell you both sides. That's why Alyssa's here. That's why Ana's here, because we don't all think the same way, and it's like you all. You all don't think the same way so you want to hear what other people say, but when they're lying, we can't have it.

We can't allow on this show to have things said that we know for a fact are not true. That's what it used to be. That's what it needs to go back to being, and that's where y'all come in. It's okay to feel how you feel, but demand the truth. Demand folk’s fact check what they're telling you because what they’re telling you is important.
