CBS This Morning co-hosts on Thursday scored an exclusive interview with the newly chosen House Minority Leader, Kevin McCarthy. But the network journalists chose to spend the entire interview demanding McCarthy answer for a lack of diversity within the Republican Party.
Co-host Norah O’Donnell insisted, “I know that you've acknowledged that your party took a beating in some of these suburban swing district. Suburban women particularly swung for the Democrats. Does the Republican Party have a problem with women?”
Not satisfied with the answer, O’Donnell proceeded to slightly rephrase it and ask it all over again: “I want to show you the pictures of the incoming House Republicans freshman, and incoming freshman Democrats. You have for the Democrats there are 19 new women. For the Republicans, how many new women do you have?”
Co-host Gayle King moved on from the GOP’s problem with women to the party’s problem with diversity: “Are you worried about diversity too? Is that another area you say, “Listen we need to improve on that too?”
A transcript of the questions is below. Click “expand” to read more.
CBS This Morning
8:04:54 to 8:11:17
NORAH O’DONNELL: Congressional Democrats are selecting their new leadership following the midterm elections. In the House, CBS estimate Democrats will gain at least 32 seats once all the results are in. That puts the Republicans in the minority for the first time since 2010. House Republicans yesterday picked California Congressman Kevin McCarthy to serve as Minority Leader. He fended off a challenge from Freedom Caucus member Jim Jordan. Congressman McCarthy joins us now from Capitol Hill. Good morning.
CONGRESSMAN KEVIN MCCARTHY: Good morning. Thank you so much for having me.
O’DONNELL: Yes. Nice to see you. Congratulations on your selection. I know that you've acknowledged that your party took a beating in some of these suburban swing district. Suburban women particularly swung for the Democrats. Does the Republican Party have a problem with women?
O’DONNELL: Leader McCarthy, I want to show you the pictures of the incoming House Republicans freshman, and incoming freshman Democrats. You have for the Democrats there are 19 new women. For the Republicans, how many new women do you have?
MCCARTHY: Well, we have two right now, young is Young Kim who was born in South Korea. She's leading in the polls. This is a challenge we have because a number of our women ran for higher office and moved out. And it was the year of the woman. If you look at the open seats —
O’DONNELL: But it wasn’t the year of the women in the Republican Party.
MCCARTHY: It wasn't that much. We have room for improvement.
GAYLE KING: But let's talk about the diversity issue because they had an interest picture, Congressman. On the Republican side it seemed to be a lot of white guys in suits. On the Democratic side — on the Republican side a lot of white guys in suits. On the Democratic side you saw women, you saw people of color. Are you worried about diversity too? Is that another area you say, “Listen we need to improve on that too?”
MCCARTHY: Yeah. We had a number of people who lost seats who would fit into different categories like that.
BIANNA GOLODRYGA: Congressman, one of the things we hear from women and minorities is they were turned off by the President's rhetoric, his tone. You have a good working relationship with the President. In fact it was noted at times you bring in Starburst. What, if anything can you tell them?
KING: Cherry and strawberry.
GOLODRYGA: Cherry and strawberry in particular. What can you tell him about his rhetoric and what needs to be changed?
O’DONNELL: Oh, leader McCarthy, I understand that you have interviewed at the White House for the president for the job of White House chief of staff. Would you take that job?
MCCARTHY: No, I have not interviewed for that job and I have a job I was just elected to.
GOLODRYGA: And that includes work with Nancy Pelosi if she is Speaker?