CNN: Trump White House 'Maury without Paternity Test', Banana Republic

November 14th, 2018 7:32 AM

Hey Joe Lockhart: if you're going to heap mocking scorn on the Trump White House, try to avoid making two glaring errors in one sentence . . . 

Appearing on CNN this morning, Lockhart—former Clinton WH press secretary—said of goings-on within the Trump administration:

"The killer line in The Washington Post story is a White House official saying on background that 'this is like the Maury Show. The only thing we're missing is a paternity test.'"



Alisyn Camerota reacted with an "oh my God!"

Except . . . the article was in Politico, not The Washington Post. More importantly, the person quoted was not "a White House official on background." It was a  "former Trump aide." The difference is crucial. The source is not someone currently inside the White House. For that matter, the source is described as a former "Trump aide." We don't know if he/she was ever a "White House" official. In any case, the source has no current, first-hand knowledge of events in the White House.

Later, Lockhart and CNN analyst John Avlon each alluded to the White House as a "banana republic."

Keep it up, CNN: we'll see who has to eat old bananas in the end.

Here's a partial transcript: 

JOE LOCKHART: I feel this morning like if I ever got to go on Onion TV, this is what we'd be talking about. The killer line in The Washington Post story is a White House official saying on background that "this is like the Maury Show—the only thing we're missing is a paternity test." 


. . . 

CAMEROTA: Is the way to run the White House to have your daughter and son-in-law being involved? I mean, how 

JOHN AVLON: Of course not! 

CAMEROTA: What do we know about Jare and Ivanka's involvement in all these personnel changes?

AVLON: What we know is that the reason that daughter and sons-in-law don't usually serve in American administrations, is that doesn't work out terribly well in the history of banana republics. 

. . . 

LOCKHART: Imagine John Kelly, sitting in his office yesterday when he looks at his computer and sees the First Lady has just put out a press release saying someone should be fired. It is banana republic-like.