Tom Brokaw had his Pauline Kael moment on MSNBC this morning. Though the story might be apocryphal, the late New Yorker film critic is famously credited with saying she was shocked by Nixon's 1972 victory, since everybody she knew had voted for McGovern.
Here's Brokaw on today's "Morning Joe," discussing the importance of the upcoming debates.
TOM BROKAW: Debates should be judged on two big counts: tonal and substance. You know, are you comfortable with this person? Look, everybody believes that on debating points, John Kerry probably beat George Bush, the 43rd, the last time around. But people liked Bush.
Everybody? Everybody in MSNBC's newsroom, perhaps? You know: the folks who booed a Bush State of the Union? Or was Brokaw's reference broader, meant to encompass everybody on the DC cocktail circuit?
There was a real "tell" as to where Brokaw stands on the issues on which he was so certain Kerry beat Bush. Brokaw did the Today/Morning Joe double-header this morning.
Brokaw on Today: "There is kind of a sisterhood that has developed around Sarah Palin. I don't think there's any question about it. A lot of women are willing to set aside some of their beliefs that they disagree with her on, for example on choice."
Brokaw on Morning Joe: "I think it's indisputable that there's kind of a sisterhood that has grown up around her very quickly. And I think a lot of women out there who are for her may disagree with her on some fundamental issues, like choice."
Give Brokaw full marks for consistency. But note his use of "choice": the favored euphemism for "abortion" of the pro-abortion rights crowd.